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Ladybug Party
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Image Title:  Ladybug Party
Favorites: 0 
 By: Tiger Lily   
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Tiger Lily   {Karma:10966}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon 5700
Categories Street
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Nikkor ED 28-280mm
Uploaded 2/2/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 626 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 13 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City - 
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About The orange flower in the middle was pretty loud so the neon-like colors in the picture are actually true to the original.

Please don't be shy about pointing out any problems.

Thank you,

Lily. :-)
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There are 13 Comments in 1 Pages
Mahmoud Baha Sadri Mahmoud Baha Sadri   {K:19634} 9/25/2005
Lady Lily,
What's been happening since Roby's birthday?
Taking leave from UF or some thing?
Hope you're having a fine time,
miss you,


NN  NN     {K:26787} 3/10/2005
A nice and colourful arrangement! Thanks for your comments Lily!


Dan Lightner   {K:12684} 2/17/2005



Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 2/6/2005
Wonderful composition and colors Lily, very beautiful image!


Alastair Bell   {K:29571} 2/5/2005
Lily, this is a lovely shot as is. The other way to improve the lighting is to place the flowers in a more evenly lit area (i.e. with no bright spot on the tray) and then adjust using either the exposure values in the camera (+/- EV or manual settings) or post process in Photoshop (or whatever your preferred image editor is). As I said, I like this as is. You have good sharp detail, excellent colours and it is beautifully composed. The colours all look natural too. The shaft of light adds to the image too. If you used a reflector the light would become more diffuse (the opposite of what I think you were after). I'm no expert either but I'm happy to help where I can...


Warren B   {K:7272} 2/4/2005

Glad I was able to help out. Some people take good photographs by taking a lot and improving over time, others master various techniques, some ask around... there's no set way. But I think you've already got the basics pretty well figured out. And as I said, I'm certainly no expert.

If this was an example of a beginning image from you, then I can't wait to see the good one's, they'll be marvellous. Go for it!

- Warren B.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 2/3/2005
ah ah ah.. LOL..
all for my pleasure, the flowers and the ladybug!
tahks for all my dear..


Tiger Lily     {K:10966} 2/3/2005
Thank you, Toni. :-)


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 2/3/2005
Very rich color. I see Warren has given you some great technical tips. There's nothing like the color that glows from flowers around sunset, and these are vibrant. I like the sweet simplicity of your composition.


Tiger Lily     {K:10966} 2/3/2005
Warren, Thank you so much for taking the time
to show me how to improve the picture. I am going to try out your white cardboard suggestion since that sounds so simple. I had heard about it before but did not realize how much it would change a picture.


Tiger Lily     {K:10966} 2/3/2005
Hi Peri, Thank you for your kind comments. Much appreciated. :-)


- - - -   {K:10510} 2/2/2005
this is marvellous! =)
colors, flowers.. everything..

take care =)


Warren B   {K:7272} 2/2/2005

I think this is quite a nice shot as it is, but (and no offence intended) I would have done one or two little things just to give it a little extra.

Mainly, the section of bright direct sunlight on the table draws the eye and makes the rest of the image seem a little dull by comparison. I'd have used a simple reflector (a large sheet of white cardboard will do) on the right out of the shot to bounce a little of that sunlight back and add more brightness, or even out the light, on the pot and flowers. Use of a flash set on low power (with a diffuser if you have one) could also help but would probably be a little harsh for the subject. A reflector would also help to relieve the shadow on the wall behind the pot.

The composition is fine. I don't claim to be an expert, so if you disagree or have any comments, please let me know. We were all beginners at some stage, and we can all learn something from one another, so if there's anything about any of my images that you feel could be improved, please say so.

Best regards.

- Warren B.




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