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Up against the Sky I
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Image Title:  Up against the Sky I
Favorites: 4 
 By: Hugo de Wolf  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Hugo de Wolf  Hugo de Wolf {Karma:185110}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Nikon D100
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio The Dutch Files
Creative Photos
Lens Nikon  50mm f/1.8 AF Nikkor
Uploaded 1/11/2005 Film / Memory Type ISO 800
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1803 Shutter 1/500
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 108 Rating
/ 45 Ratings
Location City -  Ellewoutsdijk
State -  ZEELAND
Country - Netherlands   Netherlands
About Hi All,

I'd like to stress, that these images are not intended to make a statement. Any statement. I just love the atmosphere in these, and that was my goal when I shot these photos.

Actual Camera settings:

ISO: 800
Aperture: f/8
Shutterspeed 1/500'
Exposure: +1 EV
Lens: 50mm + 2x teleconverter.


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de Wolf

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There are 108 Comments in 1 Pages
Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/10/2006
Hi Ace, Thanks, I'm pretty fond of this one too.




Ace Star Ace Star   {K:21040} 1/10/2006
hi Hugo! this is one of your best work .... beautifuly captured in the windy time! thousand points to you :)


Brian Fillmore Brian Fillmore   {K:4016} 1/8/2006
Very nice photograph. One can almost feel the breeze that is blowing across the field. I like the lighting also.


Dhimant Vyas Dhimant Vyas   {K:2509} 12/19/2005
Hi Hugo
Very very interesting capture!
nice lighting and colrs too,


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 12/19/2005
I love this shot Hugo! I like the "almost" silhouette and those great grasses. Your framing is wonderful also!
Thanks for your comment! I really like honesty in me much mor to think about and way more chance to improve my skills! You have an amazing and diverse portfolio!


Paolo Longo Paolo Longo   {K:4570} 8/7/2005
great dynamism of the composition!!!


mariah meneere   {K:733} 7/11/2005
Hello Hugo. This is really a exellent photo with a that brings out lots of thoughts. I really like the compose, the colors and contrasts. But most of all the emotion and feelings the picture brings. Mariah.


boubekeur boukerma   {K:2623} 6/30/2005
Nice job Hugo



Ned Ali Ned Ali   {K:11928} 5/13/2005
excellent silhouette against the dramatic sky!
the silhouetted wheet adds to the drama in the image.

well done, Hugo.


Mitchell Miller   {K:3009} 4/14/2005


tom rumland tom rumland   {K:14874} 4/13/2005
hunter... looking for a kill


Kimmy Magino Kimmy Magino   {K:2457} 4/12/2005


- -   {K:6282} 4/11/2005
Great shot. Very moody. Like his pose against the wind. /Hansi


Rocco T Rocco T   {K:4130} 4/9/2005
Excellent light and angle.
Regards. Rocco


Sun Shine Sun Shine   {K:6225} 4/9/2005

Something VERY special.



James Hager   {K:6285} 4/8/2005
Great image. I like the silhouette, especially how the bright spot in the sky emphasizes the man's face.


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 3/25/2005
A powerful tribute to the never ending inclined battle of man fighting against Mother Nature! From all the series this one is my favorite, the fast shutter speed freezes the bushes but the position of the man and the space in front of him shows the movement and dynamics of this picture! the frame is great too!
Congratulations on yet another masterpiece

i missed you :)


altur .   {K:6087} 2/26/2005
A dramatic photo with nice mood and great silhouette.
Good work, congrats, Alex


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 2/16/2005
Great moment with this walking hunter
Beautiful weeds in the foreground !
This series has a very well planned idea and concept
and is perfect for this kind of photography
Groet :)


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 1/25/2005
excellent image.. love the lighting and tones.. after looking at the image, I feel like it is the fall/autumn and with just a bit of chill in the air.. the clouds and the sky is very dramatic which really adds to the image. I do notice some specks in the sky (top left).. they could be dust in your Digital camera.. at that ISO and aperture, sometime the dust becomes more evident... excellent work


Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 1/20/2005
wow fantastic feeling in this series. the combination of wind in the grass and the silhouetted man gives this a very powerful effect.
Great concept Hugo


Elsje Fiederelsje Elsje Fiederelsje   {K:6320} 1/20/2005
Deze is ook prachtig!!! Well done!!!

Groetjes Elly


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/20/2005
Hi Bradley, thanks for your comment... Can't promise all my shots will be as dramatic as this one, though, but I promise, there are a few more to come....:) I really appreciate your remarks on the frame, that was exactly what I had in mind when I made that decision. I usually struggle with my frames; as I do think a frame can be an addition to both photo and atmosphere / the way it's perceived, that is, but is also a pitfall, as a it can also become very distracting.




Bradley Prue Bradley Prue   {K:30678} 1/19/2005
Hugo, I gotta put you in my "friends", so I don't miss anymore of these. This shot is just crammed full of my favorite elements....contrast, and drama! You have captured wonderful contrast from the top to the bottom of the photo, and again, from the actual composition to the frame. The subject is very dramatic, both with what seems to me, like a hurry to beat darkness, and the general theme (hunting) of the piece. What a silhouette....plants and man! Now, I sometimes think that I overuse frames...I've been rightfully criticized for framing when I didn't need point is that your frame, in my opinion, doubles the impact of this shot. It just sets the plate forms a border, necessary to isolate your subject, otherwise, an outdoor shot like this can too easily have an expansive feel to it, and I would lose the "anxious" connection with the subject. I would call this shot flawless, except I don't think such an thing exists. 7+ ..Brad


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 1/19/2005
Excellent shot Hugo,the silhoutted composition just superb
Many thanks for commenting"Winter lovers IR"
You are so right my dear friend,usualy flowers pictures all full with colors,as they actualy are,
this one doesn't compliment them too much,but the whole composition is OK
As always your commenting are more than welcome
Best regards


Fern    {K:2509} 1/19/2005
agree, the "atmosphere" is terrific, but the image can't help but make one think of a story. I so like you stretching your brain when you compose an image.
kind regards,


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 1/18/2005
Hi Hugo,
Can't believe you already have three up that I've not visited yet!

This image really 'grabs you', most interesting your execution of it (no pun intended!!!)

I like the positioning of the man, and the reeds taller than he is.

Time of day is excellent for this one as is the overall composition.

You always come up with original and very interesting images.

Good job,
Lori ;)


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/17/2005
Hi Kurt, Thank you for your comment. The answer to your question is fairly simple. There were gale force winds, a steady 9 Beaufort (~65mph) with gusts upto 11 Beaufort. I started with my 135-400 mm zoom, but it was impossible to keep the camera steady during the early hours of that day. So I decided to switch to something more compact (less area for the wind to pound at...:) The 50mm is the smallest lens I have, but the focal length was to short to use effectively. Hence the teleconverter. I compensated the loss of 2 stops by chosing a more sensitive ISO setting.




Kurt LaRue Kurt LaRue   {K:5067} 1/17/2005
Hi Hugo. I like this photo and I think it has a universality to it - it could be anyman, anywhere.
The gun could represent defense, aggression, or simply the quest for the man's next dinner.
I am curious though, Hugo. Why a 50mm with a 2x teleconverter? The D100 has a "telephoto" factor of 1.5 so you effectively had a 150mm lens with a loss of 2 stops due to the 2x converter. With your formidable arsenal of equipment at your disposal this just seems to me to be an odd setup. Nothing wrong with it, of course, just a curious combination. Best wishes, Kurt


emily savva   {K:21113} 1/17/2005
Hi Hugo... very impressive dark composition... really like the outlines against the blown sky and the sense of movement... slight details appearing on his face, make this image more of a documentary... a hunter?s quest... very well done... emy :)


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 1/16/2005
I like your about....
no statement then, though I have something in mind...
the image is artistic, narrative and cinematic...thank you for sharing...


Dirck DuFlon   {K:35779} 1/16/2005
Wonderful mood in this photo, Hugo, and a great sense of movement and dynamism from capturing the strong wind! I love the angle from which you shot this - kind a 'birds-eye view' if you're a dove or quail, which is what I suppose he's out to kill. The dark silhouette works beautifully, and I like that you can still make out some detail in his face. Nicely done!


G G G G   {K:61359} 1/16/2005
Superb Hugo!! I like the angle of your capture and the opposite movements between the man and the wind..
Excellent 7++
Congrats Hugo


Carsten Ranke   {K:14476} 1/16/2005
INtriguing shot, in the preview miniature I saw a silhouette but you managed to pull out detail out of the shadows in this difficult backlit situation. I wonder how it looks if you enhance contrast for a true silhouette shot. Did you shoot RAW ? Perhaps a composite could bring some detail into the brightest sky parts. Anyway, this one is a 7 for me


Salvatore Rossignolo   {K:13559} 1/16/2005
Very dramatic.Great shot


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 1/16/2005
Hugo in my opinion this, the first, is the best one of the three; even though you did not ask to us to choose one in your tryptich, I did it 'cause this is the one from which I perceive the atmosphere you spoke about (IMHO); it is namely in the walking act of the man where I see the freedom feeling and the contact with Nature at same time. a feeling human beings (of our part of the world) often forget


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 1/16/2005
What a great feeling in this wonderful shot! The first thing I felt was how nice this windy feeling is when the reeds are blowing!

I like this a lot, it's very original, and the angle is really interesting too!


cessy karina   {K:14205} 1/15/2005
Now that is interesting :), it's always the photographer's choice to make it in a certain way.
made me more understand of your intention to the atmosphere, thanks Hugo, cessy


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Cessy, thanks, it looks very good. only a minor difference to the atmosphere, but much less shady. The blown out bits in the sky become more apparent, though. Interesting.... It's very close to what I started with in the original shot (unedited...) See attached.




Original file (Resize only)

cessy karina   {K:14205} 1/14/2005
Hi Hugo,

Here I used Image/Adjustment/Shadow/highlight in PS CS. I don't know whether you like it or not :)


Alessandro Lavagna   {K:2231} 1/14/2005
Thanks really teached me some fine tricks.
For what regards the blown out sky i would not worry about it...maybe one day a 12 stops CCD will be on the eh.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Alessandro, thanks for your feedback. It was very windy; gale force. That made it very difficult to keep the camera steady, so I had to select either a wide aperture, loosing DOF, or a higher sensitivity. I choose the latter, hence the fast shutterspeed.

The +1 EV was an effort to preserve some of the details and contrasts in the backlit scene and the silhouette of the man. It causes some blown out parts in the sky, though...




Alessandro Lavagna   {K:2231} 1/14/2005
Hi hugo,
this is a great capture !
It first attraced my attention for the silhouette of the man.
After a few instants of observation i have realised that the silhouette is not completely dark but reveals interesting details of the scene (ex. hunter face).
I like this 2 phase observation's typical of very good shots.

Thanks for your generous comment.

PS1: I see you used 1/500 s shutter...was it windy ?

PS2 why did you use a +1Ev exposure ?


Gerhard Hoogterp   {K:4863} 1/14/2005
Hugo.. ah the gun.. I see. Ok, still a great shot..;)


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Thilo, You will, you will... It's only the first one of three...

About the upper part of the image, it was a very stormy day, heavily overcast, and the sun broke through all of a sudden. Not only creating this heavy backlit contrast, but also adding a fierce brightness over the image. I deliberately overexposed a bit to preserve the contrast and details in the figure, but that also implied a blown out sky... I decided to leave it as is, as it represents the atmosphere I remember pretty good...





Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Faride, I remember.... Your indepth critiques and descriptions have been a great help to me.. Thanks, I really appreciate it!




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi John, Perfect description of the atmosphere! I've just ordered a few prints, mind if I use your poetic description with it?




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Cessy, My idea was to up the contrast a bit, to represent the gale force winds, and the backlighting by the sun that suddenly broke through the clouds. Interesting thought, though. Wonder what that would do to this image.... I think it would blow out the sky in the upper right corner even more. I would appreciate if you could show me what you have in mind...




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Michael, Yeah, I know... cleaning my CCD is something I'll tend to this weekend. It's beginning to be a real nag...




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Robert, it's a hunting scene, all right, but that's not only for the "rich and famous". Many farmers also hunt to preserve their crop.




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Ursula, thanks for your comment. You're not wrong, it is a hunting scene...




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Michele, I wish I could, but the sun broke through the clouds behind the figure in this photo, and the backlighting created some heavy contrasts, and was rather fierce. I decided to overexpose by +1EV to preserve some of the details in the figure, but that also caused the blown out top right corner. I find that the D100 is quite sensitive to those extreme lighting conditions. I did take a few with less overexposure, whch renders the figure into an almost complete silhouet, which I'll be posting soon.

On the other hand, the atmosphere of the actual scene is very close to what I presented in this image; the change in weather was fairly abrubt, and the gale force winds didn't really help...:)




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Christian, I enjoyed the pun in your comment, thanks! As the theme might be perceived as "controversial" I didn't want to evoke any comments regarding the theme, but that will become more evident during the rest of the series.




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Omar, you phrased the idea behind this series perfectly... I'm inconclusive about it, though....:)




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Manu, I always struggle with framing images. Sometimes a photo without frame will do, and in this case the heavy framing was also pretty easy and obvious, but those are the extreme situations. Wether a frame fits the image also depends on how people perceive the photo. But I agree that the framing should be included in a comment, as it does have an effect on the atmosphere.

The sky is partially blown out, as the contrasts were pretty heavy; the sun broke through the stormy clouds, and the backlighting was suddenly stronger than expected. I needed to overexpose to preserve the contrasts in the figure, but that resulted in the overexposed sky. The D100 is very sensitive to these extreme lighting conditions, I found out. On the other hand, it is a very close representation to the feel of that day and that particular moment, as you'll notice with the second photo in this series, which I'll be uploading later today.




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Gerhard, If you look carefully at this photo, you'll see what I mean. It'll become more obvious with the second and third...




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Dear Gino, Your comment made me speechless... Thanks for the very kind words, it means alot to me.... I'll be posting the second one later today. Wonder what you will think...:)




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Steve, thanks for your comment, Even without hair, you would've experienced the feeling of this gale...:)




Diego Dotta   {K:3172} 1/14/2005
Excellent work hugo!
Good feelings of freedom!

Many congrats
Diego Dotta


Paolo De Maio   {K:34932} 1/14/2005
Natural elements for natural feelings... you embedded in this shot, nuances, fragrances of the photographer life exactly like an hunter of natural images.
No other words Hugo, all other things are just irrilevants...



m . m .   {K:2569} 1/13/2005


Thamer Al-Tassan Thamer Al-Tassan   {K:1358} 1/13/2005
Great amount of drama in this shot. The wind, the sky, and the stance of the person clearly indicate that...


Roberto Carli   {K:13689} 1/13/2005
Very well taken,great capture,congrats!!!
Best regards.


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 1/13/2005
Hi Hugo,

hmmh, I don't see any statement shining through the image besides atmospheric ones =)

you nailed down several layers of interest. the bended corn, bringing in some nature force. the strong silhouetted person adding up some contrast tension. and the kind of blown-out sky that reacts to the bold foreground. overall, a very appealing and interesting composing. as to the frame: While it works very well IMHO in the lower area, I'm not so sure about the upper area. If you reduce the lighter parts, then it would probably fit better. just an idea though =)

anyway, a great picture.



Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 1/13/2005
Such a mood you captured here!!! Dramatic and suggestive shot. The high grass, the blue colour and her walk home.....GREAT!



Faride Valigholizadeh   {K:496} 1/13/2005
This is the one which speaks itself. No explanation, no additional comment need. If you remember once I wrote you about taking ?artistic picture?. I take this one as an improvement of your work. This is the beauty of your mind and at the same time getting softer in your spirit and soul. Well done Hugo.
I just think if the sky was a bit lighter or the darkness on beneath was darker, it could be more effective.



Carol Cefalu   {K:8388} 1/13/2005
just PERFECT! Great image worthy of many awards!


John Lamb   {K:9687} 1/12/2005
Nothing better than wildfowling in the marshes.

The lowering sky will bring the prey down within range. The wind through the rushes makes it hard to hear the approaching birds.

The blood pumping through your veins, part from exertion and part anticipation, makes it even harder to concenrate...

Suddenly a bird breaks cover right in front of you. Lifting the gun to your cheek you hesitate for a fraction of a second..

The bird is out of range, you heart beats louder in your chest.

Your companion gives you a glance of frustrated disapproval, but secretly you are glad you did not pull the trigger.

Some days it's just good to look.

The image says it all Hugh. Regards John


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 1/12/2005
woooww that impressive atmosphere.. of wind and clouds! fable is nearly the story of one indeed of a moment of life! the much beautiful silhouette that you have captured with one perfect under-exposure..
take care my friend.. cheers


cessy karina   {K:14205} 1/12/2005
very nice shot, I like the angle and the atmosphere on this photo, very moody as if we can feel the wind also. personally I might liften up the level a little bit but I see you choose the dark level to stress the moody atmosphere. inspiring


In Transit In Transit   {K:29432} 1/12/2005
He cowers in the long grasses... as a duck would... shadowing a hunter...

Well done... for the colours are most complimentary


Michael Kanemoto Michael Kanemoto   {K:22115} 1/12/2005
Nothing to add - great composition, just be sure to knock out those CCD dust spots...


Nitish Kanabar   {K:2618} 1/12/2005
Your image conveys the atmosphere very powerfully.
The dark stormy sky, the bent reeds, the person's hair tell us about the wind direction.
The slightly discernable details in the silhouette and the gun add mystery and drama.
Excellent work, Hugo!



Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 1/12/2005
Very nice shot, Hugo!
The one thing that might improve it just a little would be to clone out the dust spots, particularly the dark one toward the top left!
Excellent work all the same!
Best regards, Chris


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 1/12/2005
H igh quality and
U nbelievable execution in this
G reat work,dear friend.
O utstanding shot,as usually....Orazio


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 1/12/2005
grandiosa....non sai cosa significa per me questa bellissima foto...non mi vergogno a dirlo..sono un ex cacciatore che ama ancora quella passione nonostante non la pratichi piu'...questo scatto mi regala un emozione immensa e lo sistemo trai i preferiti in assoluto..emozionale al top..grande hugo..magistrale composizione..a presto

huge... non you know what means for me this beautifulst photo... not me vergogno to a former hunter who loves still that passion although she does not practice piu'... to this release to it gives me an immense emotion and I arrange it you soon draw the preferred ones in absolute..emotionale to the top..the big hugo..fantastic composition..a soon my dear friend


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 1/12/2005
Fabulous silhouette against the dramatic sky!
I can feel the wind in this comp..Outstanding image Hugo..Thanks for sharing


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 1/12/2005
Remind me of those film posters "coming soon", you did great job here, a natural looking image, showed the al most life atmosphere as of the man waking in front of us, the wind do gives extra interesting look especially with the effect on, the man?s hear, the canes and the movement of the low thick clouds, very dramatic and dynamic composition, great effort and amazing result with the converter, superb. Saeed


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 1/12/2005
What an interesting capture. Unique to say the least. The dark tones and soft silohuette work. I like that you can just make out his face and his somewhat ernest expression that matches his gate. Your settings were a success! The vertical framing with his fast past also sets this apart insofar as he's moving across the land and in and out of the frame quickly. It speeds up the sense of movement. Bravo!


Verena Rentrop Verena Rentrop   {K:15233} 1/12/2005
Dear Hugo,

from the thumb I thought pure silhouette...but entering...much more gave him a face...details...




Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 1/12/2005
Fantastic! composition and mood Excellent!


Sue O'S Sue O'S   {K:12878} 1/12/2005
Holy mackeral! Nice, Hugo!


Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 1/12/2005
Simply spectacular, with geat composition and exposure. I absolutely love the mood of this one!


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 1/12/2005
I get the feeling of going duck hunting but I'm not sure if you do much of that over there. I would imagine the rich do at least. Great angle and capture. I like it.


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 1/12/2005
I like how his hair agrees with the reeds. ;)
Nice silhouette!


Ursula Luschnig Ursula Luschnig   {K:21723} 1/12/2005
Hi Hugo,that's an extraordinary picture...wonderful tones and mood..I can feel the wind...
For me it looks like a hunter with a shotgun..?Probably I'm wrong...


Michele Berti   {K:14921} 1/11/2005
Overall I really like this photo. Well composed with a great mood. It is really a great photo. I just wonder if you could manage to expose in such a way to preserve a bit more the higlights on the top right edge? I might be wrong but I think you could... at least one stop less would have probably yielded almost the same silhouette preserving bit more details on the sky. What u think?


Christian Barrette   {K:21125} 1/11/2005
Okay, no statement, so I won't use the term "Shot", but "Picture". I also feel it would be a more appropriate way to qualify such a good "Image".
The angle of view tells a good part of the story. One feels being in the position of hiding from the hunter. This is amplified by the square format, underlined by the bold frame. In a picture with so much movement (the man, his hair, the reeds, the clouds), I feel constrained within the square. I'm breathless...


Omar Rifaat   {K:10141} 1/11/2005
Awesome atmosphere, Hugo. For me the silhouette of the gun stock and barrel is a major focal point. Kind of tells the whole story for me. Man and his wits against the forces of nature... hunting? or hunted?


Viktor Pravdica   {K:4907} 1/11/2005
Fantastic cold mood!

P.S. Clean up your ccd ;)


Marcio Janousek Marcio Janousek   {K:32538} 1/11/2005
mysterious mood and atmospehre..

wonderful composition Hugo !!


Alastair Bell   {K:29571} 1/11/2005
Lovely shot of someone out and about in the countryside. This image has a real carefree feeling to it. Love it!


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 1/11/2005
Excellent. I think the mood is really helped by the dark rendering of his face.


Burak Tanriover Burak Tanriover   {K:16610} 1/11/2005
Hello Hugo,
fantastic picture,I like it a lot,cheers,


Manu    Manu     {K:13082} 1/11/2005

The part that excites me the most about this image is how well your choice of framing ie heavy on the left and right compliment the actual shot. My feeling is, if you are going to put up an image on this site then the whole image, including the choice of frame, should be included for comment.

I think the depth of darkness on the figure works well. If it had been any darker it would have made the image to graphic. It reminds me a little of the old Soviet Union propaganda posters we had to study at school. One area I might look at is the contrast in the sky.

Well done and appreciate your comments on Blue/Black.




Marie Johnston   {K:1635} 1/11/2005
Very mystical love it great shot 7+


Miguel Torres Miguel Torres   {K:3998} 1/11/2005
Very moody Hugo!!!, very nice!!!!


Miguel Torres


David Hofmann   {K:22223} 1/11/2005
very nice mood and composition.


NN  NN     {K:26787} 1/11/2005
Wonderful sky/mood ... emphasized by the heavy frame!


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 1/11/2005
cant say anything dear Hugo...just admire!!!!! best regards Marian


Gerhard Hoogterp   {K:4863} 1/11/2005
And what statement would there be? "the weather in the Netherlands is less than desirable"? :-)
Anyhow, a great and moody shot, like you already concluded yourself.. Lot's of atmosphere in more than one sense.. Great image!


Gino  Quattrocchi   {K:39580} 1/11/2005
Hugo I feel the need to make you the compliments
I cannot tell anything your photo
I am alone enthusiastic
Everything you are magic it is to the correct place
the character shows with effectiveness its movement
very well balanced the against light
But your photo has a strong impact as soon as it looks him
I put her with joy in mine prefer
one of yours like that of the old Citroen that me
they will remain in the memory


Francesco Martini   {K:12249} 1/11/2005
excellent and suggestive silouette!!!!!!


Maria Luisa Vial   {K:36017} 1/11/2005
Excellent composition Hugo... Love the silhoutte against the sky... For me it expresses an atmosphere of freedom... Love it!!!




tom rumland tom rumland   {K:14874} 1/11/2005
hugo, you already know how i feel about this series. i will comment but want to wait and see what the response is as i'm very interested. little hint: outstanding! one of your best, imho.

take care,


Luís Lobo Henriques   {K:9002} 1/11/2005
Good, very good moment and atmosphere, Hugo!!!


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 1/11/2005
Very good capture Hugo, the silhouette looks great as does the wind on the rushes and wind in his hair .... then again, I would not know too much about wind in my hair ;-)

Very good photo.

Best wishes,


Miguel Andrade   {K:5463} 1/11/2005
Fabulous work Hugo... great photo! 7*
Regards, Miguel




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