Walter Scarella
{K:19671} 2/27/2007
Ti ringrazio sinceramente per i Tuoi commenti sempre molto graditi !!! Sono contento che questa foto Ti sia piaciuta, e' una foto a cui tengo tanto anch'io. Grazie...un abbraccio.....Walter
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 2/27/2007
non esiste una parola che racchiuda la bellezza di questa foto. Sono senza parole ad ammirarla. Bravissimo Walter! (la metto tra i preferiti) ;)
Nicole Marcisz
{K:10268} 6/17/2005
beautiful light, interesting sculpture.
cheers, nicole
Kevin H
{K:22502} 3/11/2005
Excellent composition especially the angle. It make this statue seem like a god. Keep up the great work.
Teresa Moore
{K:11063} 3/10/2005
Very nice perspective. Very nice colors, light and composition.
{K:30945} 3/10/2005
so wonderful scene and sky and colors dear Walter! Biliana
Ciprian Ilie
{K:13571} 2/26/2005
Wow! What great definition and lighting; love it!
Regards, Ciprian
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 2/21/2005
Anne Bogardus
{K:2875} 2/7/2005
Walter --
These colors are beautiful, as is the composition. What a great image!
// //
{K:6081} 1/18/2005
Great and artistic,prefect meter reading.BRAVO My best wish from japan. HASSAN
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 1/15/2005
Splendid composition Walter, so well balanced. Very skillful use of the available light. Well done. Den
Walter Scarella
{K:19671} 1/14/2005
Ben tornato Federico ! Grazie per il commento e la Friend list. Ora attendo qualche Tuo lavoro ! Ciao...Walter
federico ghiglione
{K:284} 1/14/2005
Ciao Walter. Questa foto è sontuosa. Sei stato bravissimo a rendere ciò che probabilmente questa scultura è. Complimenti per la composizione e i colori. Fede
Pam Heisler
{K:4032} 1/13/2005
Love the composition.. gives it a sense of motion.. Beautifully done..
André Bermak
{K:14443} 1/10/2005
Lindíssimo trabalho!!!!!Excelente composição e clima.Gostei também do jogo de luz e sombras e é claro do céu com essas nuvens.....
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/10/2005
Dear Walter,
wow, this is exceptional. the angle and perspective are great, but the warm sun light and the sky make this image. great overall composing.
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 1/10/2005
Eccellente immagine e composizione!!! Compl.!
Un saluto.
Paolo De Maio
{K:34932} 1/10/2005
Favolosa per inquadratura e per luce! La formazione delle nuvole associata ai "capelli della sirenetta conferisce un dinamismo eccellente alla foto, liberando la mente da ogni pensiero grazie al vento che immagino soffiasse teso.... Bellissima Walter, colori morbidi e caldi allo stesso tempo
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 1/10/2005
Magnificent sky..And well composed shot.I like the details in this comp..Gongrats Walter...Riny.
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 1/10/2005
Fabulous lighting!!! Crisp texture of the building and statue, set off beautifully by the blue sky. Linn
Nicole Marcisz
{K:10268} 1/9/2005
neat sculpture, nice sky, good job on exposure,
cheers, nicole
Bahadir k
{K:8825} 1/9/2005
Walter here you captured this amazing image under perfect light congrats
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 1/9/2005
Fabulous photograph and a great perspective Walter. The thumbnail just does not do this any justice.
Best wishes, Steve
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 1/9/2005
Una stupenda composizione Walter!
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 1/9/2005
Very beautiful capture Walter! Congrats! Roberto.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/9/2005
Hi Walter, very nice warm tones, and a well composed shot. I like the details and the contrast in the shady parts, without burning the brights. Good shot!
Kessia & Morgan UVA
{K:7265} 1/9/2005
perfect lighting! and i love that the sky continues from the top to the bottom of the image! great mixture of textures as well! Kessia
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 1/9/2005
Well...well, well!...I really Thought at first She was a Real Model...Wow!...Excellent Sculpture,and Superb Composition, and Colour, Walter...7/7!!! Best Regards: Jeff. Thank you, Walter!..for your email Communications!...Which I appreciate very Much!
Update...the Winter Picture of the Grouse! Well I Looked out the Window...Late this Afternoon...and What do think!...a Flock of Grouse...were Burrowing in the Snow, at the Side of our Garden...and Have Bedded Down for the Night!...They Actually Get Under the Snow...with Just a Small Breathing Air Hole!!! Jeff.
Maria Laet
{K:196} 1/9/2005
bright colours, but why did you call it silhoutte?
Sam Andre
{K:12484} 1/9/2005
good colour combination and angle
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 1/8/2005
Wonderful angle and combination of colours, Walter! Best regards, Chris
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 1/8/2005
wow Walter, superb catch with the beautiful light and the wonderful sky with clouds .. superb contrast and details in the statue ! Peter
Marco Maresca
{K:14418} 1/8/2005
Bellissima immagine,caro Walter!! Un lavoro ottimo! Ciao
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 1/8/2005
Walter this went right into my favorites, I just love the whole feel of the picture, It has the feel of vastness and I love this beautiful mermaid.(?) The strong light and the feathery clouds are just so beautiful. Great composition. Welcome back. Alison
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 1/8/2005
Nice idea, good angle & composition.
Di Ciuccio Maurizio
{K:57398} 1/8/2005
straordinaria la resa dei colori e della luce catturata con un angolo di ripresa ed una composizione esemplari..ciao walter
Laercio Gomes
{K:3645} 1/8/2005
Criatividade é o que não faltou! Parabéns.
cessy karina
{K:14205} 1/8/2005
hi Walter, welcome back :) happy new year. very nice shot, excellent angle and lights. the sky is so magnificent
ozdemir ozcelik
{K:46} 1/8/2005
Joe Teng
{K:16723} 1/8/2005
Beautiful! Very sharp and perfect composition. couldn't think of any thing bad at all. 7/7 bravo
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 1/8/2005
Splendido scatto.Ottimo particolare.Eccellente esecuzione con tonalità e luci fantastici.Superbo il cielo con favolosi colori.Ben fatta complimenti. Orazio
{K:10535} 1/8/2005
Gord Runtz
{K:3348} 1/8/2005
Hello Walter, Very interesting shot! The lines are beautiful! Took me a second to what is really was. All the best to you. Gord