{K:30945} 1/21/2005
wow. wonderful aride landscape! Thank you, BIliana
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 1/10/2005
Beautiful scenery so nice captured by you my friend superb colors Many thanks for commneting "Indifference" Best regards
Cliff Andreas
{K:571} 1/7/2005
Very nice, brighter for me would help, the colors and tone make for a moody image, congrats!!
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 1/4/2005
This is really spectacular. My eyes want to see more of the lower part, especially more of where the river is going, so it would also work well if it was a square format photograph.
andree lerat
{K:17476} 1/3/2005
I like it just the way you've presented it. I sort of like the unsatured look. It is very soft and moody. Beautiful landscape.
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 1/3/2005
the scene and the composition are excellent,ı like the tones also,best regards
{K:4879} 1/3/2005
Beautiful tones and nice outcome with the red framing. The bird adds an exciting sense of 'happening' to the environment.
Ahmad Hasan
{K:4164} 1/2/2005
amazing colours
Mari Mar
{K:11469} 1/2/2005
I went there, so great, like being in another planet, incredible view. This photo is wonderful!
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 1/2/2005
Excellente landscape Gregory!! Very beautiful details!! Congrats! Roberto.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 1/2/2005
Superb! 7+++
{K:92} 1/1/2005
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 1/1/2005
You too Greg..I'm sorry I haven't been through your port. in a while, looks like you've been busy. This is a beautiful scene, and the bird in the top right adds alot for me,
Regards, Chris
giovanni guido marchi
{K:27040} 1/1/2005
Peter Godden
{K:745} 1/1/2005
Great shot with such wonderful, almost pastel tones throughout. Regards Peter
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 1/1/2005
This almost looks like a painting. Well composed. The bird is a nice touch. Don.
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 1/1/2005
Lovely. Reminds me of my visit to Grand canyon. Excellent composition.
I also prefer Moscow's work on. Much more brighter.
regards, ken.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 1/1/2005
Hi Gregory, Great landscape! It's funny how we tend to be attracted to images of similar tone and texture. You commented favourably on my Rouge River shot yesterday and this one caught my eye today. Unfortunately I have no beautiful mountains in the background :(
Sam Andre
{K:12484} 1/1/2005
happy new year 2u2
André Bermak
{K:14443} 1/1/2005
Paissagem fantástica!!!!!Feliz 2005!!!!!
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 1/1/2005
Superb beauty you managed to capture here. Great composition as well! Cheers & happy New Year Gregory.
Serge Moscow
{K:-2917} 1/1/2005
What do you think about such variant? Regards, Serge

Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 1/1/2005
Nice capture and image well I like the Southwest and this is excellent image. Bird adds to this well done composition.
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 1/1/2005
Simply amazing. You really are an artist. Using light as your paint, you made beautiful pictures. Happy New Year, Gregory..:) All the best for you. Regards, Hanggan
Laura Spell
{K:24080} 1/1/2005
Awesome landscape! The colors and lighting are very good. The mist adds a touch of mystery to this image! Happy New Year to you!
{K:8878} 1/1/2005
excellent shot and good composition detail is perfect...