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Tin Roof SUnday ( BW version)
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Image Title:  Tin Roof SUnday ( BW version)
Favorites: 1 
 By: Rebecca Raybon  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Rebecca Raybon {Karma:26654}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Fuji Finepix s5000
Categories Landscape
From The Field
Film Format
Portfolio Black and White
Lens digital with raynox 0.65 wide angle adapter
Uploaded 12/28/2004 Film / Memory Type digital 200 color converted to bw in PSE
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 581 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 39 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Bedford county
Country - United States   United States
About For Michael M. Here it is, in bw. The noise is more apparent in the sky, I see. Those clouds were rolling fast that day.
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There are 39 Comments in 1 Pages
Kimmy Magino Kimmy Magino   {K:2457} 2/21/2005
This is my favorite!


Ehdae  (Abullha AL Hazza)   {K:4725} 1/23/2005
lovely shot. Regards by ehdae


yury z   {K:332} 1/10/2005
great light and sky texture!


Michael M.   {K:1194} 1/2/2005
Thanks, Rebecca! The sky is a bit noisy, but I love the buildings in B/W.


Heath Bennett   {K:4429} 1/2/2005
Fantastic shot and well converted to BnW Rebecca


Rebecca Raybon   {K:26654} 12/31/2004
Thank you very much Alan. I know...I pass barns so many times. But if the light is right, I'm gonna STOP wherever I am and try to grab a shot lol.. I'm BIG into anything rural. Thanks so much for stopping to comment. I'll have to check into your work and see what it is you like! :)


Alan Mead   {K:2020} 12/31/2004
Even though there are inumerable images like this out there, one never ceases having the urge to capture them. This is a real beauty.
Congrats. Alan M.


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 12/30/2004
Excellent tones and clarity, very compelling, almost tranquil, well done.


John Fiore   {K:1077} 12/30/2004
Very stricking and terrific image. I think i like this better than the color version.


Jaroslav Dole?al   {K:785} 12/29/2004
These black & white images look mystical! Very good work!


CorrieLynn Jacobsen CorrieLynn Jacobsen   {K:9882} 12/29/2004
Hm...I cant decide which one I like more...I LOVE both! The black and white does show more noise...but at the same time it seems more real. The contrast looks good, but the color one seemed to have more contrast....I dont know, i think its a tie! Again, beautiful shot.(Especially if it was through your!)


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 12/29/2004
This B&W is a Wonderful Scenic View...of the Classical type Genre!!!


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 12/29/2004
Fabulous B&W landscape photo Rebecca, love the grain and textures in the building.

I like both also but prefer the B&W if I had to choose between them.

Best wishes,


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 12/29/2004
Wonderful image Rebecca:-)
Happy New year to you and your dear ones to!
A hug, Nando


Jim Gamble   {K:12164} 12/29/2004
Me Likes!!!!!!!!!!
Jim Gamble


Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 12/29/2004
Wonderful lighting and tones Rebecca, and the sky is just powerful!


Marcio Janousek Marcio Janousek   {K:32538} 12/29/2004
Wow.....You did a great picture in B& your contrast and sharpness too. Very good Rebecca !!..........


Marcio Janousek Marcio Janousek   {K:32538} 12/29/2004
Wow.....You did a great picture in B& your contrast and sharpness too. Very good Rebecca !!


Del Metheny   {K:25617} 12/29/2004
I love the contour of the roof in both photos. I will admit for most things I am partial to color but B&W works well here too. Del.


Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 12/29/2004
Great shot Rebecca!


Trish McCoy Trish McCoy   {K:15897} 12/28/2004
great textures in the building. and the dark sky is just amazing. great pic.


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 12/28/2004
Very nice version of this shot, Rebecca! The b/w has a very different mood.


Peggy Christine Skinner Peggy Christine Skinner   {K:26936} 12/28/2004
I can't decide and I shan't. I like the colour and the B/W. They both have different qualities and merits. Besides why have to decide when you can envision the same scene in two differing dramatic moods.


Femke de Wit   {K:6020} 12/28/2004
This one is real nice, Femke


Rebecca Raybon   {K:26654} 12/28/2004
Thank you so much, Sheldon. I appreciate your taking tome to comment :)


G G G G   {K:61359} 12/28/2004
I think that I prefer this one. The details of the old shets are nice and the contrast is perfect. The sky is too noisy for me, but as you wrote it, you can't fo nothing for that ;). I found that the DOF is more evidenced here than in the colored version. This a nice composition Rebecca.


John Beavin John Beavin   {K:4477} 12/28/2004
Nothing a few nails couldnt fix, I think the subject suits black and white,well portrayed Rebecca.


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 12/28/2004
I love the BW version. Awesome. T.


Dorothy Di Liddo   {K:13787} 12/28/2004
Really cool Rebecca, like it in B&W as well as the color version. Just very different feels to them, Guess the viewer will like the version that best suits their mood. Nice work. Dottie


Sheldon Katz   {K:-287} 12/28/2004
This is fabulous!


Patrick Ziegler Patrick Ziegler   {K:21797} 12/28/2004
Nice old building Rebecca! Lots of charichter.


Dina Marie Dina Marie   {K:-1410} 12/28/2004
THIS IS GORGEOUS! How do you convert to b/w in ps? Everyone sort of does it different. your tones are exceptional.


SarahM none   {K:7836} 12/28/2004
Hi, Just for fun, you might try bringing up the color version and choosing image, adjustment and then choosing channel mixer. Choose monochrome in the bottom left corner and then adjust the colors as you see fit. You can get some very interesting results and have quite a bit more control over the final shot. Again, great job!


Rebecca Raybon   {K:26654} 12/28/2004
No, Sarah. I think I just clicked on remove color and then adjusted brightness and contrast some. Thanks for commenting.


SarahM none   {K:7836} 12/28/2004
Very interesting picture in BW. I think it looks good! The noise in the clouds gives it a mysterious look. Did you convert to B&W using the channel mixer?


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 12/28/2004
The B/W version is very pretty also. This looks like something out of The Wizard of Oz. The sky with it's different tones is very dramatic, and this with the bright light on the old barns create a very beautiful photo. Alison


Ferdinand    {K:3516} 12/28/2004
Very moody shot - well done.


Jimmy Payne   {K:21163} 12/28/2004
Now, I'm just reversed on this and its color version. I like this one better. The b&w just fits this scene so well.



Subhash Sen Subhash Sen   {K:11931} 12/28/2004
These black & white images look mystical,well done,love,Subhash.




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