In Transit
{K:29432} 11/23/2004
There is something to be said about film, and leaving a capture untouched... but as in bichemistry... knowledge evolves,,, and tools such a Photoshop have appeared following what has been learnt in the dark room and more...
I suspect that there are many here, who are far more patient and skilled than I, but suggest that the branches on the right could possible be removed with some additional tweaking... as correcting the vertical as trees tend to grow straight ;)
 Oooops |
{K:42404} 11/23/2004
Claro seria bueno que vengas por aqui estamos al habla, no te pierdas
Ana Martins
{K:5643} 11/23/2004
Hola, Armando! Que bueno que puedo praticar mi español contigo :) Yo soy portuguesa pera estoy viviendo en los USA. Tengo muchos amigos de America del Sul, entonces aprendi a hablar y a escribir español. Bueno, para una portuguesa no es dificil, verdad? Paulo me dijo que tu es peruano, quiero visitar el Peru :) Nos hablamos mas después, si? Besos, Ana
{K:42404} 11/23/2004
bellisima foto, excelentes siluetas y cielo, felicitaciones, PS: de que pais eres Tu???
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 11/22/2004
I love the idea of this Ana. This is a sad little tree..broken limb, dead branches, and slight tilt. It's interesting. Toni
Ana Martins
{K:5643} 11/21/2004
B., A solução será eu revelar as minhas próprias fotos, já estou a ver :) Não me importava nada. Aqui está a original... W.

Paulo Martel
{K:2550} 11/21/2004
B., está muito bonita... fizeste bem em mexer nas cores... afinal nos laboratorios faz-se a mesma coisa na revelação!...
Love, B.