November is a bit drizzly today, so thought I'd post a reminder of a very warm sunny spot. This was shot at the farthest south point in the U.S. Shooting conditions were a little rough with high winds, very bright sun and very black rocks. It was hard to manage to get any detail in the black rocks without blowing out the whitecaps entirely.
Beautiful shot Mary Sue - I really love the colors in this photo and the way you framed it. The small amount of red from the coastal rocks really adds nice contrast to the cool colors of the sky, ocean, and tidal pools. I don't think missing a little detail in the rocks takes away anything from this picture.
Aw, now you're making me miss the ocean! Or Gulf, or whatever water body one can stand on and watch the waves. Yes, the rocks are a bit dark, but I love the catch of the wave action and the tones of the water and the sky.