Ferran Rial
{K:6670} 6/9/2006
Beautiful work with the colors. Good job!
Eriko Widyo
{K:10} 11/27/2004
amazing colors...I like this very much
Mr. M ...
{K:5507} 11/22/2004
Incredible... 7!
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 11/18/2004
I was there on vacation.
Re-opening in January
Café Terra Cotta - Tucson 3500 Sunrise Drive, Tucson, AZ 85718
S.E. corner of Sunrise Dr. and Campo Abierto
{K:3770} 11/17/2004
Very nice colors and composition
{K:585} 11/17/2004
{K:1263} 11/17/2004
BEAUTIFUL Image Michael! I live in northwest part of Tucson. Where is this Cafe?
Michele Beccia
{K:16550} 11/17/2004
Great shot!
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 11/17/2004
Are those white flares some vapour eminating from the cacti? Enjoy the night shoots Michael.
deniz kaan copur
{K:12726} 11/17/2004
very nice. --: ).
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 11/17/2004
fantastic shot michael.. burned.. and great mainpage! roby
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 11/16/2004
very nice.. love arizona.. this image makes me miss it for sure...
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 11/16/2004
UFOs are popular in the desert. And in Wisconsin, where cow abductions are common. Those points of light are stars and the moon - sorry to disappoint. No visitation in this picture.
I think I have devised a crude "shutter" made from a flap of aluminum when I cut apart a can of soda and flattened it out using a hilighter pen.
The flap basically will open when the wind from driving hits a barrier, and then it is spring loaded to close when the car is not moving.
I'll have to post the resulting camera - it looks pretty gruesome.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 11/16/2004
Ah.... Cacti! I considered that plural, but decided against it.... Thanks for correcting me...;o) I do believe it's a cool effect. Especially in combination with the tone of the sky; very Extra Terrestial.
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 11/16/2004
I don't know what that weird flare off the cacti is either... but it looks neat!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 11/16/2004
Hi Michael, when I read the title, I found nothing terracotta in it, but it makes more sense reading your about. I'm curious what caused the flare off the top of the cactuses; also, there seems to be a slight colour abberation on the right side of them, but that might also be a light from the right, illuminating them sideways. Very intriguing shot, with a lot of intriguing elements. The tone of the sky, the effects on the cactuses, the town in the background, and so on. A very strong embodiment of the way I "observe" wen leaving a Café...:)
Kostas Tzanetos
{K:22012} 11/16/2004
looks like UFO traffic in the sky of Arizona! nicely lighted and well composed shot it is Michael,but your scanner hasn't done it justice - or these spots are REAL UFOS? :-P
now,about your nightshooting project: since your exposures would be long and the quality of your camera questionable i suggest using a slow enough film to get decent quality and low grain - i use 100 or 200ASA fujicolor superia. as for exposure times,i don't have a standard formula for my shots - they usually vary from half a minute to half an hour depending on my mood,the amount of lights in the route and the effect i'm after. start with 2mins@f16 with 100ASA and bracket around it (30secs - 1min - 4mins - 10mins) not to get the 'perfect' shot really but just to experiment with the various effects and check your camera'a performance. reciprocity failure has not been a real issue for me anyway,and software can help where needed. as for the procedure you're planning to follow,it's ok to remove the tape when start driving but i think you should put it over again BEFORE stopping the car or the shot would have parts of 'still life' together with light trails ;-) good luck!
Michele Berti
{K:14921} 11/15/2004
spectacular MIchael! great color palette here, well done!
ale Raso
{K:1049} 11/15/2004
splendida immagine!!!!!!!!
ciao Ale