Just Me
{K:315} 7/6/2005
Audra, Lovely to look at...Thanks!!
{K:10535} 4/29/2005
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 12/29/2004
I'll take "famous quotes for $500 Alec"... What is "be true"? (audience applaudes) Ok Mr. Bastrzycdefghijki - you hit the "daily double'.......
Davide Marchi
{K:9196} 12/27/2004
Con attenzione e semplicitŕ... ciao Davide
audra erin
{K:3837} 11/1/2004
Thanks..I love my Nonna pics too. I was really fortunate to have captured her..really , really.
{K:1676} 11/1/2004
Quite beautiful self! Hi. I just love your portfolio. This is best as are all of your mees, but I especially love all of your Nonna shots. Pure, honest, innocent happiness is wonderful to witness.
audra erin
{K:3837} 10/19/2004
Aww..thanks Lucy..I'll let the kittys know. heh.. vain little creatures that they are.
Lucy Bernadette
{K:5806} 10/18/2004
i like the grain in this photo a lot! you're very beautiful. you'll be your very best model! well, after the cats... ;)
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 10/16/2004
I love the mood of this self portrait and your face is wonderful! regards.
audra erin
{K:3837} 10/16/2004
Are u also a friend of Bill W.....?
audra erin
{K:3837} 10/16/2004
Heh...I just stood in the bathroom mirror...with the light on...focused...very carfully, as not to change distance, tilted the camera away from my face and clicked the shutter...it worked! Nope had this camera a few years...Nikon.
Richard Dakin
{K:12915} 10/16/2004
Okay, so how did you do this???? I see no flash, but there is a catch-light in your eyes. Great shot. An original twist to something I think everyone has tried. Congrats. P.S. Is that a "new" camera for you?
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/16/2004
Very pleased to meet you and always nice to put a face to a name :)
Janusz Miller
{K:876} 10/16/2004
photo is also nice :>
Carlos A. Sabillon
{K:2660} 10/16/2004
Interesting perspective Great shot.
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 10/16/2004
"...be true. Never a lender or borrower be..."