Debbie Groff
{K:9569} 8/9/2001
I like the mystery "look" of the moon & clouds. It could be cropped as Robert suggested and is (I think?) tilted a bit. But it caught my eye, so that means I really like the attempt at the vision of mystery you captured. Might want to crop the extra light on bottom right?
Robert McDonald
{K:511} 5/5/2001
Crop the bottom third out and you will have a great shot there (I think)
al shaikh
{K:15790} 3/14/2001
I did want to mention I really liked the mood of the image.
Christopher Chen
{K:21} 3/14/2001
The web site for Horydczak's photos is: lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/thchtml/thhome.html
Christopher Chen
{K:21} 3/14/2001
Altaf & Artie: Thanks for the comments & criticism. Altaf, I agree that a wider lens would have worked better. Unfortunately, I had no wide lenses for the Contax @ that time (not that I would have necessarily have had enough sense to use it, anyway!). Artie, the full moon was more distinct in real life & I thought it lent the scene a bit of mystery & timelessness (like 1 might see in a Victorian travel painting, minus exotically-clad "natives"). I was also making a little private homage to some of the photos of Theodor Horydczak , a local studio photographer who worked from 1923-1959 (see ).
Artie Colantuono
{K:12275} 3/12/2001
While the image is properly exposed, there is nothing of interest in the presentation. A bit bottom heavy and the flare or whatever on the bottom right is distracting. I see no point in the cloud or moon formation and the statues in the picture. Stagnant and no central theme or point of interest. Good attempt and well executed for what it is but needs to be thought out further.
al shaikh
{K:15790} 3/12/2001
I keep getting a cramped feeling from this image, its very nicely lit but it screams wider lens to me, perhaps a 35mm or a 28. Just my 2 cents.