Veerle Vercauteren
{K:103} 6/1/2005
oh wow RenatoI know Nazaré pretty well and you have captured the spirit of this village really well. The composition is great and you have given the image a timeless feel It seems to come from an old silent portuguese movie bravo, veramente bello
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/5/2004
amazing shot!! Quite impressive! i wish I could see the people more clearly but still theimage is legentary! I feel like I am there!!
Manuela Morgado
{K:571} 10/5/2004
A wonderful moment your photo. It means all the history of that people, yesterday, today, and tomorrow again... The B&W is perfect here. Molto bella Renato
Armen Jamkotchian
{K:5879} 10/4/2004
I loved this photo! So warm and humane! It carries you away into its magical world of dark almost grotesque human figures and disappeared shadows... Amazing work. A 7+ and a favorite. By the way, I have a similar photo and would appreciate if you could check it out. Regards - Armen
giorgio ruffinengo
{K:10623} 10/4/2004
che bella renato, grande immagine sembra di altri tempi. un ottimo scatto. grande giorgio
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/4/2004
ciao renato.. che dire! forse che adoro i controluce? e che adoro i b/n.. da film?
una ottima composizione che va al centro con ql leggero "ramo" a destra.. perfetta orizzonte toni e una fortwe emozione di gioa provo nel guardarla! a presto roby 7
Andrea Falqui
{K:5787} 10/4/2004
Molto bella, Renato. Mi ricorda certe atmosfere del meridione italiano... Complimenti e ciao
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 10/4/2004
down to the sea -- excellent image - K
al Farrob
{K:4087} 10/4/2004
Excellent document