Jamey Zunz
{K:1049} 10/11/2004
Daaaaaammmmm!!!!!! Nice place to sit and play chess!!!!!
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 9/28/2004
Even though you can't see their faces, the concentration is evident. Although how could you concentrate on your game with a view like that? I like it that you still post pictures of this lovely country. I like your current work too. It's a nice mix.
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 9/28/2004
Khaled I was so surprised to see them playing there, and asked them if I could take the photo, they were very into the game. Alison
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 9/27/2004
I like the way you shot these 2 guys with the sea view behind them. I can't imagine that they resisted looking to this nice scenary and were taken by chess....Very nice capture Alison, Regards.
Dirk Illing
{K:1247} 9/27/2004
Great shot, you've captured time ; - ) I like teh discarded red cap, and the fact that the one guy is listening to his walkman - world within world.
{K:42404} 9/27/2004
Estoy completamente de acuerdo con mi amigo Zeev, pero ademas debo agregarc que esta es la primera foto en "blanco y negro" a color que he visto :). Es un mal chiste, felicitaciones querida amiga, es un belo lugar para meditar o jugar ajedrez y ademas de verse que ellos estan muy concentrados un el juego, el niño parece preocupado por la jugada que está haciendo su contrincante.
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 9/27/2004
Wonderful capture!
Mark Susa
{K:2301} 9/27/2004
Delightful image! I especially like the composition, the placement of the subjects (the red hat makes the picture, IMO), and the red and the blue colors. Almost looks handcolored. Congrats.
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 9/27/2004
sweet moment shot and story!
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 9/27/2004
Beautiful image. One of relaxation and contentment.
Laura Spell
{K:24080} 9/27/2004
Delightful scene! Colors are good. I like the way the two are silhouetted against the sea. Good work.
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 9/27/2004
Alison,estimada amiga buenos dias,preciosa foto a mi parecer esta es la mejor manera de captar rostros en esta clase de fotografia que las personas complementan la escena,en esta foto el cielo casi no hace falta{disculpa por comentar en Español]la proxima sera en Ingles Saludos y hasta pronto