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Water Power
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Image Title:  Water Power
Favorites: 1 
 By: Jim Budrakey  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Jim Budrakey  Jim Budrakey {Karma:24393}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon S1-IS
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio Water
Lens Canon 38-380 Image Stabalized
Uploaded 8/26/2004 Film / Memory Type SanDisk Ultra 256
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1478 Shutter 1/1000
Favorites Aperture f/2.8
Critiques 35 Rating
/ 18 Ratings
Location City -  Niagara Falls
State -  ONTARIO
Country - Canada   Canada
About One of my favorite views of the falls. Practically a religious experience - kind of puts us in perspective.
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There are 35 Comments in 1 Pages
Liddo Ray Night Liddo Ray Night   {K:551} 7/25/2006
I love this pic. Reminds me of simple words of Bruce Lee. "Be like the water, it is the softest thing in the world, yet can penitrate through ROCK." thank you Jim for the kind words.

Liddo Ray Night


Bill Long Bill Long   {K:3306} 7/3/2006
When I originally pulled up this image, I started grabbing for the hand rail. It draws you in like a vortex.

It flows from solid to liquid to mist creating a wonderful example of entropy at work.



        {K:12494} 6/4/2006
wow, breath taking, thanks for sharing, and thanks for your comment on my frog. rated


j esford j esford   {K:13518} 3/13/2006
Very, very nice perspective here Jim! Really captured the essence of the Falls. Color and clarity make this one a real "screamer". My attention is drawn right into that water flow. I've not gotten a similar view there before. Good eye. Congratulations!


Jason Mardell   {K:1113} 1/6/2006
Nice shot - with the flash of light in the corner. I've stood around there too and wondered at the power and the sound


Kimmy Magino Kimmy Magino   {K:2457} 12/1/2005
Real water!!!!Fresh shot!
You're good Jim!!


John William John William   {K:775} 11/1/2005
I looked at this long enough and actually got cold. Very nice.


Mary Therese  Marie's Photos Mary Therese  Marie's Photos   {K:2174} 10/5/2005
yes, talk about perspective. Wonderful, beautiful....... made it my screensaver if that's ok.. checks in the mail


Mary Therese  Marie's Photos Mary Therese  Marie's Photos   {K:2174} 10/5/2005
yes, talk about perspective. Wonderful, beautiful.... WOW


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 5/21/2005
WOW! very powerful and moving!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 5/21/2005
O M G..
is magnfic I'm without words!
best wishes


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 5/21/2005
nice shot.. I have a bunch of pics of the falls but have not put any up.. guess because the place is so famous :) great shot here, love the lighting and the colors...the angle is perfect and I am pretty sure I know where you took this from :) great work


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 5/21/2005
Powerful image, sharp composition. You can almost feel the vibration and hear the roar and feel the mist on your face!



Mary Brown   {K:71879} 4/11/2005
This is an incredible picture showing the power of the Falls. Wonderful capture.
Thank you for the very kind comments you made about my picture. They are much appreciated.


Nino Z-S   {K:1489} 4/2/2005


Rob Graziano Rob Graziano   {K:6678} 3/28/2005
Jim, Great shot and such raw! An absolutely great picture in every respect!


Jim Budrakey Jim Budrakey   {K:24393} 3/24/2005
No, not being sucked in but rather that I am just a tiny piece of the whole universe. However I will admit to a touch of vertigo now and then :-)


Steve Tomkinson   {K:3243} 3/24/2005
Couldn't agree with your comments more. We are trivial & fleeting in comparison. Superb photo.

Question - do you feel like you are being 'sucked in' when you stand here?

Regards Steve.


Bryan Jarmain   {K:11941} 3/24/2005
A very powerful and pleasing photo, Jim. The perspective really makes this work well. Very good.


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 3/4/2005
Wow the movement is great and the incredible power of this shot amazing. The color, clarity and lighting all beautiful. Alison


NN  NN     {K:26787} 2/27/2005
Stunning scene ... so powerful and beautiful!!! Gorgeous tones!


pierre lapointe   {K:-116} 2/26/2005
this is just fantastic! so powerfull excellent shot.I went there for new year day but the light wasent there.


Dan Lightner   {K:12684} 2/16/2005
Beautiful color to the water, well captured.



Larry Hammond Larry Hammond   {K:16631} 1/31/2005
Really beautiful Jim, lot of volume going down, how about it?



Frank Beer   {K:10112} 1/22/2005
This is a fantastic photograph. I like the almost unique colors, the dof and sharpness is exactly at that point that is important for me the have that realistic view. It?s almost that I have the feeling the falls are besides me, congrats!



John Jarrell   {K:592} 1/3/2005
This is my favorite place to stand at the falls...great is so peacful at that location I could stand for hours...


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 12/14/2004

This is wonderful, I can see why this would be your favorite view, VERY NICE!!

Lori :)


Nikolai Pozdniakov   {K:611} 12/10/2004
Very clear and beautiful shot. 1/1000 of a sec stoped water very well. You can really feel the power.


Kevin Collier   {K:19076} 11/12/2004
This is really a neat shot - great perspective - never been there but would love to see all that water . K


Michel Pettigrew   {K:975} 10/29/2004
We all know what those falls look like, but this is a really nice and different composition, I like the dynamics of the foreground/background and the fields of focus. The shutter speed chosen works great, I love the textures and colors. Good exposure/contrast. In my opinion, the light triangle at the top is the only unfortunate element.


Kevin H Kevin H   {K:22502} 9/18/2004
WOW the clarity and sharpness of the picture just amazes me. Also long the angle at which you took it at, it almost makes it feel as if you there (looks 3d). Keep up the good work.


Stace Walker Stace Walker   {K:4175} 9/16/2004
awesome crystal clear shot! many people like do do motion blurred shots of waterfalls, I like them sharp like this.. like cut glass

thank you for your ps work on my latest shot. i guess i was just too tired to do it myself yesterday :p it looks so much better!



Rose Martin   {K:4696} 8/26/2004
I love this shot. Beautiful colors and contrast. I just want to touch it


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 8/26/2004
Powerful image of the falls!..very well exposed/composed..especially like the foreground colors..gayle (7+)


Arne Hulstein   {K:367} 8/26/2004
I totally agree with you. Great shot. I've got two or three similar shots at home. Couldn't resist it. Just the force of that water when it thunders past you... Incredible...





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