Autumn Jade
{K:629} 1/14/2014
Fabulous capture of another gorgeous wavy day in the brine. Superb. Cheers,
Autumn Jade
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 8/2/2007
Just : perfect real simplicity a poem about the Sea.
Juan Gonzalo Marcano Prieto
{K:14254} 5/30/2006
wow!!! nice shot very nice, exellent
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 12/9/2004
CONGRATULATIONS on your WINNING photograph! Very nice image, Lori ;)
E. Quinn
{K:342} 12/9/2004
I really like this shot. The colours are lovely. Nice capture.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 12/9/2004
che angolo di paradiso, tu pensa ho apena visto una foto simile da un mio amico, 2 settimane fa è stato proprio lì, in un' isola di capo verde! e il mare e le onde son prorpio eccezionali, ho visto angoli di vero paradiso e qs.. e calibrata in modo giusto! roby
conmplimneti per la mai page!
Lester Tradelbloom
{K:3291} 12/9/2004
I loike this image, I like the ideas you have, but whoa! the horizon is off - it isn't horizontal, and it isn't paralell with the edge of the photo! Correct me if you think I am wrong, but come on... two seconds in photoshop.
- Justin
{K:585} 12/9/2004
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 8/23/2004
Refreshing image. Pity no one was surfing that time ! Beautiful.
To improve - Perhaps, I would have included some surfer.
regards, ken.