Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 9/24/2004
This seems to be our first meeting on the pages of "Usefilm", Mr. Tombasz. I took the opportuninity to take a look at your portfolio and you are, of course invited to look futher into mine, including my bio. I opted to comment on your "night corner" because as a thumbnail it looked mysterious and ater being opened lost nothing of this atmosphere. The colors, the play of light and darkness and the oblique abgle you took the photo add to this mystery. The far away street lights seem to lead further into the darkness. Thank you for your comment on my "Alone on the beach". As to B&W or color, that is a matter of prefererences. You are, of course entitled to u your opinion and you are not the only one who expressed it concerning this photo, but I prefer it the way it was posted. Ciao, a rivederci, Dr. Rafael (Rafi) Springmann
Magnus Beierlein
{K:853} 9/15/2004
Nice angle and fantastic colours/tones. Feels like I?m going to dinner with Jack The ripper.
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 8/26/2004
Splendido lavoro ed ottimo gioco di luce.
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 8/20/2004
Beautiful night shot and atmosphere.
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 8/19/2004
Estupenda imagen, genial
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 8/19/2004
Ciao Renato, prima di tutto grazie per il commento all'ultima foto del progetto "Mr.M life" (č una serie!).
Grazie anche per avermi dato la curiositą di visitare la tua ultima foto che vista in piccolo non rendeva quanto aprirla. C'č una varietą di dettagli e di luci sorprendente. Piacevolissima e ben congegnata anche nel taglio e con l'insegna messa in quela posizione.
Ciao, spero di rivederti presto Giuliano
Cary Shaffer
{K:9269} 8/19/2004
Real nice perpsective, great exposure, a very interesting photo, Cary
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 8/19/2004
Very nice night shot, but there is two things i pay attention to in each and every picture, which is the horizontal line and the vertical lines, in here they needed some adjustment wile taking the picture, but this doesn't mean the picture is not really good, regards,