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Kokubunji Station
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Image Title:  Kokubunji Station
Favorites: 0 
 By: Roger Williams  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Roger Williams  Roger Williams {Karma:86139}
Project #45 Blurry Image Camera Model Voyageur rotary
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio Voyageur
Lens Nikon 28mm/F2.8
Uploaded 8/12/2004 Film / Memory Type Fuji New Pro 400
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 711 Shutter 1/15
Favorites Aperture f/16
Critiques 17 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City -  Kokubunji
State -  TOKYO
Country - Japan   Japan
About Here's the thoroughfare through my usual commuter station between the North and South exits. This was going to be an entry for the "blurred" project (I knew I'd have to use a slow shutter speed in the station), but Henri died and the project changed...
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There are 17 Comments in 1 Pages
Robert Lloyd   {K:9943} 4/24/2005
wow great shot very intresting capture


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 8/18/2004
Thanks, Antonella. The image is too small for you to see, but many of the people are blurred because of the long exposure.


Antonella Nistri   {K:21867} 8/18/2004
Have I read right....blurry???? Where???? To me it's extra -sharp and truly attractive!!!
Many congrats,my friend, Antonella


Enjoy    {K:16125} 8/15/2004
Wow..this is a eye bender..what a cool usual... we should call you..King of the Angles... well done!!!


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 8/15/2004
Ouch, Roger! I do apologise.... Don't understand how on earth I could've made that mistake.... Sorry, won't happen again...




Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 8/14/2004
Matej, the camera is forced to take more than 360-degrees' worth of panorama, especially at high shutter speeds (i.e. fast rotation) to allow the rather large mass of the camera to come up to speed. I only need the bare 360 degrees for my VR displays on the Internet, and the "excess" is often improperly exposed anyway. Also, I already use the largest album pages available in Japan! So out come the scissors! I must say it gave me a pang the first time I did it...


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 8/14/2004
Ah, that's "Roger," Hugo, not Richard...

Thank you, all the same [grin]. The other day I visited a famous old bridge in Tokyo, "preserved" from about 100 years ago... but they built a highspeed motorway intercharge over and around it. The contrast is, well, surprising. Hope it comes out. If it doesn't appear in the next week or so you'll know it was a failure...


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 8/14/2004
Hi Richard, I think the station creates a very good scenery for this panoramic rotary shot. Very lively and a very playful lineplay. Very good shot!




Matej Maceas Matej Maceas   {K:24381} 8/12/2004
Good lord, you cut the negatives? Why not get a bigger album - or some other storage module - instead?


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 8/12/2004
Sorry, Matej, only half of the face appeared inside the frame and needed to be cloned out! The rest is on the cutting room floor as the negs are too long to fit into my album unless I trim the overlapping bits away. (I think the censor would have prevented its public display in any case.)


Matej Maceas Matej Maceas   {K:24381} 8/12/2004
Please please please attach the version with the surprised face :-)


Bart Aldrich   {K:7614} 8/12/2004
Fantastic image, Roger. Congrats on this gem!


Bill Gibson   {K:2701} 8/12/2004
super shot - the floor tile line increases the effect


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 8/12/2004
Matsukawa San, the people are all blurred, and I cloned out your face from the right-hand end of the photo, so I'm not sure it would make a good A3 print. Also I didn't use the maximum scan resolution... but I will send you the file so you can look at it. I'm glad you like it! This was one of the first places I wanted to use the Voyageur, and it looks as if my instinct was right...


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 8/12/2004
Thanks, Chris! The "blurry" refers to the passers by, who are almost all blurred by the long exposure... This was a 180-degree shot that by mistake turned into a 360-degree shot. As a result, there was a VERY surprised face at the extreme right, which I cloned out using PSP. Yes, I freely confess to this lapse from photographic purity!


Koichi Matsukawa   {K:245} 8/12/2004
Wow!!!! Amazing panorama!!!!
If you can send me the original file, I want to print this out in A3 size.


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 8/12/2004
For you this might be 'blurry', Roger, but for many other UF contributors this woud be considered 'sharp'!! I continue to marvel at the workings of that panoramic camera of yours.

This shot is wonderful ~ it just brought a big smile to my face! The brightness of it?the detail?the movement?the perfect composition?I could go on!!

Excellent work, my friend. Keep 'em coming!!

Best regards, Chris

P.S. I hope you enjoy my Wells Cathedral shots! Now, if only you could take your Voyageur in there!! Wow!!




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