Jim Greenfield
{K:5172} 3/29/2007
here is my take on the same kind of truck. I really like yours!
Ryan Greene
{K:3297} 7/24/2004
Excellent image Tarah, I love the detail and the hard contrast. Very good work!
Ian Crean
{K:14866} 7/24/2004
Tarah, that's great, really, it makes sense. I was treading a PC line between the previous critiquers and the fact that I like the image this way, therefore I'm glad it's the effect you had in mind in camera. Well done. Ian
Tarah Toler
{K:-382} 7/24/2004
This is how i shot the photo, trust me there is no detail in the neg, I wanted to blow it out and I did. I did nothing to it in photoshop.
Ian Crean
{K:14866} 7/24/2004
I suspect the high contrast comes from the editing and that the neg will have detail enough in highlights & lowlights to treat the image any way you like, so concentrate purely on the exquisite frame filling of this American icon. The grill brings to mind the rib cage of a once powerful dinosaur. One can only image the miles travelled, the truck stops, the stories, a whole sub culture, especially of music, exists behind that grill. Wonderful.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/24/2004
Hi Tarah, Excellent graphic image. The tooth of time and the geometric pattern is expertly captured. Outstanding print, too, the hard contrast, almost high key fits with the past glory of the grille. Very powerful shot. I wonder if cropping a bit off the top of this image would do any good, as it is now, the two triangles in the top corners seem a tad off, if you see what I mean.
dennis ward
{K:431} 7/24/2004
this is a nice image. it seems to me, however, to be a bit hot on the left siade, especially in the upper left corner where it runs to almost paper base white. a bit of burn there would help, i think. the rest of the left side is a toss up. nonetheless, i enjoyed this little intimacy with the dodge. dennis
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 7/24/2004
Nice black and white abstract. I like the tones and lines. Works well.