Tarah Toler
{K:-382} 8/1/2004
Thanks for taking the time to look at my work and thanks even more for being inpresed. I as well lopoked at your work and love what you do.
[[dead account]]
{K:6692} 8/1/2004
Your work is great. It's hard to believe you've been doing this for so little time. I just discovered your work and will now bookmark your name so I can see your latest stuff.
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 7/22/2004
nice composition! very creative!
Subata Kitano
{K:2717} 7/22/2004
Well that's what i call a clever idea for a photo. Nice sharp foreground. Nice soft background...almost kinda foggy.
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 7/22/2004
very well composed ,the details are very nice,regards,the DOF is excellent,regards
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 7/22/2004
Great work, nicely arranged and original concept,
Patty Morena
{K:16598} 7/22/2004
Great minimalist shot. Regards