oguzhan erim
{K:2133} 8/7/2004
All of your photos are excellent but i like this most. I am look for new photos.
Bill Krul
{K:5597} 7/31/2004
Excellent composition and the lack of color in the sky provides a surprising contrast to the lush green of the tree and grass.
{K:3591} 7/26/2004
Hello Nedim, You dia a great work. I like the desaturated background. It gives more contrast to the green tree. Beautiful composition!!! Congratulations!! Cesar (Brazil)
{K:26787} 7/21/2004
Beautiful work Nedim!
{K:1190} 7/19/2004
Prelijepa kompozicija Nedime, a i zelena boja je jako privlacna. Odlicna slika Pozdrav Dado
Murilo Rafael de Souza
{K:19577} 7/11/2004
Hi Nedim, Very beautiful place and interesting work you do! It was nice the gray sky in the background! Great composition! Congratulations!
[] Murilo
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 6/22/2004
Hi!...Nedim: Excellent Classic Landscape!...Scenic Composition!...B&W,and Green Colour Creative, Presentation...Nedim!!! Best Regards: Jeff.
Thank you, Nedim! For your Visit , and Comment...Friend, Jeff!!!
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 6/21/2004
Splendid. Obozavam tu tehniku gde je pozadina crno-bela.
Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 6/17/2004
Lep snimak Nedime! Super!Svidja mi se.Jednostavno a lepo.
(Kako je izgledalo bez efekata?)
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 6/6/2004
Vrlo lijepo!
Teresa Moore
{K:11063} 6/4/2004
Great effect, it really worked well here. I have got ot learn to do this.
Dino Ablakovic
{K:206} 6/2/2004
Čestitam, ova je fantastična!
Mada ja možda nebih odolio da obrišem ovo žbunje u desnom donjem ćošku, ipak slika je odlična
xy x
{K:41915} 5/29/2004
excellent angle and magnificent tree, so green landscape and great lighting, marvelous composition, congrats, best regards
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 5/28/2004
it looks very beautiful with these colors,the composition is very nice.I like also the frame,best regards
Ferran Lacruz
{K:5466} 5/28/2004
Wonderful image very original Saludos Ferran
Andrea Biscosi
{K:5387} 5/28/2004
Great composition, excellent colors. Andrea
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 5/27/2004
Nedim beautiful green and tree Teunis
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 5/27/2004
wonderful job, regards by Gabry
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 5/27/2004
wonderful job, regards by Gabry
{K:860} 5/27/2004
Simple composition but very effective.
Tommaso Razzano
{K:8073} 5/27/2004
wonderful ! wonderful indeed ! 7 !
ciao ! tommy.
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 5/27/2004
Beautiful composition Nedim! Outstanding photo! My best,JOHN
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 5/27/2004
Very nice and very elegant this composition with a background without colour. Regards.
{K:651} 5/27/2004
What a wonderfull Pisture Nedim. Congratulations. All the Best Alp from Istanbul

Dan Lightner
{K:12684} 5/27/2004
Very nice , you wouldnt believe how much I look for scenes like this with none to be found their just are not any single trees around her without having a cluttered background.Beautiful.. Regards dan
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 5/27/2004
very creative
Salvo Valenti
{K:17038} 5/27/2004
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 5/27/2004
The diagonal hill with the vertical tree, makes this landscape outstanding ,superb shot, Saeed
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 5/27/2004
Excellent photo Nedim
{K:30945} 5/27/2004
wow. this is great dear Nedime, svidja mi se kontrast i jednostavna a jako efektivna kompozicija i nagib mi se svijda. sjajna fotka! Pusa, Biliana
davide cocchi
{K:328} 5/27/2004
Nice crop and good composition of colors. regards
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/27/2004
superb.. roby
Patty Morena
{K:16598} 5/27/2004
Excellent composition. Great green colours ! Ciao