Roy V
{K:13082} 8/23/2004
Zelda, I don't even know what to say. On a scale of 1-10 I'd give it a 50! Amazing! Roy
Paula Goddard
{K:8492} 5/21/2004
{K:30945} 5/14/2004
YOu are using a G5.. wow.. wonderful and extra lenses?? Nice weekend my dear Kiss, Biliana
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 5/13/2004
excellent shot
{K:10691} 5/13/2004
bellissima.... walt.
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 5/13/2004
Super portrait Zelda
Bahadir k
{K:8825} 5/13/2004
Zelda this is a great portrait your choice of background gives the viewers an idea of the models life... regards bahadir
Murat Harmanlikli
{K:7846} 5/13/2004
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 5/13/2004
great image!! congrats. G
Marta Pereyra
{K:5029} 5/13/2004
WOW!! Great portrait.. love the tonality and the expresion! Congrats, Marta
{K:30945} 5/13/2004
wow.. dear Zelda you are back. I missed YOU! WOnderful portraits. Kiss, BIliana
Martin Ziaja
{K:504} 5/13/2004
Hi Zelda! A nice portrait with great details. I also like the texture (due to the lighting) of the wall a lot. It's a pity IMO that the woman's face is so mach in the shade. Regards, Martin
Diego Ruggiero
{K:10659} 5/13/2004
Fantastico...ci sei anche tu, lo speravo...non potendo fare (credo) ricerche per utente non sapevo se ci fossi o meno. Io ho lasciato PR da qualche mese( le foto ce le ho ancora perņ) e sono contento di poter di nuovo commentare le tue splendide foto! Questa e fantastica ed intensa...mi piace anche il viraggio. Alla prossima, Diego.