Angela Harrison
{K:43} 8/10/2004
Thanks for your comments Luke. I'll try to post something soon.
Luke Luther
{K:14693} 8/10/2004
Great lighting and compostion here Angela. I stumbled upon your portfolio looking for a nice B/W slow and fine grain film. I really like what you did here with your subject. She seems to be looking right at the camera. Do more so I can see more of your work!
Ron Beezley
{K:2834} 4/9/2004
I adjusted the brightness and contrast in Photoshop. There are 256 shades of gray in a black & white picture. Make the blacks black and the whites white and the skintones will fall in the middle and 99% of the time be correct. Even if you only have a small spot of black in the picture and a small spot of white, thats all you need... hope this helps. If not email me and I will help you... Ron holyrock@telepath.com
Angela Harrison
{K:43} 4/9/2004
I like your version Ron. Mine looks really dull in comparison.
Angela Harrison
{K:43} 4/9/2004
~Thanks for all your comments. Keep 'em coming...:-)
~Wow! Ron how did you get the image to pop so nicely?
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 4/9/2004
nice portrait!
Ron Beezley
{K:2834} 4/9/2004
Excellent pose and lighting, picture just a little too dark for proper skintone... see attached picture
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 4/9/2004
Lovely portrait Angela