How do I light them? Well I "push lights around" actually, I use variations of a 3 light system, main, fill and hair light but I have to admit that I don't really pay much attention to them. I certainly don't meter them and consider ratios, I just push them around until I like what I see. This shot... I believe I had 4 speedo heads going, three soft boxes and a reflector, no grid. The reflector was high and to photographer's right, behind the model. There was a medium (3x4 or so) softbox to the right, and a small softbox to right and high, then a softbox to the left.
In this shot the model simply walked forward almost out of the lights and hit the pose. I'm a fan of backlighting and this one appealed to me. There was a fan to the left by the way, which whipped her hair in front of her face. Cristina has perfect hair for a fan, it picks up and moves very well.
Use a white or gold reflector to fill in her face and watch for the carpet getting bunched up on her left side, picture is a little out of focus... nice try your getting the basics down.
Kim, you continue to inspire me with the creative ideas you have for your shots. This one is nice, but would like to have a little more light on her face. Your images are so creative, I would love to know how you choose to light them and with what. Perhaps you could let us know.