City - Yelm (rural horse/farming town) State - WA Country - United States
Dedicated to my friend,Neil who encourages and inspires...these are tulips which are originally bright red...i am standing above them and shooting down...comments appreciated
Hi Gayle, I tripped over this little gem on a request to comment on random images page. I know blue is your favourite colour and it also happens to be my favourite too. I love this one. The tulips really DO look like silk flowers. I love the DOF and the lighting is great. Beautiful work. You could pop this one into your card series. It fits the theme. Cheers - Ann :)
Hi Gayle, thank you so much. If you could see my face right now - it's every other colour but blue :-) Sorry i missed this the other day when you posted it. I really like the silky feeling the petals have, caused by the silvery light. All the best from Switzerland and have a pleasant Easter. Your (embarrased) friend, Neil