Hi Jon, I saw this series first earlier today, and thought about a appropriate comment. In general, I think the colours of the Heron fade into the background a bit too much. It would've been nice if they had stood out a bit more. Then I thought about the compostion and the zoom factor. I felt that I needed to ponder on this series for a while. Having returned from work, I feel that in this image (especially after extending the series) the things I planned to comment on are not that important. I actually like the natural surrounding and the power displayed by the bird. It creates a very strong image, and is really pleasing to look at. The reflection in the water is excellent, and although there might be slightly too many of them, the plants and twigs sticking out of the water create a very unusual setting and atmosphere. Still, I'd consider cropping, but that would mainly apply to each of them as a stand alone. As a series, I think they are very consitstent, and with an astonishing match in atmosphere, power and dynamism. Great work!