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Day after #2
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Image Title:  Day after #2
Favorites: 2 
 By: Carmem A. Busko  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Carmem A. Busko {Karma:48785}
Project #41 Perspective Camera Model Canon PowerShot A300
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio Sampa
Lens canon 5.0 mm
Uploaded 3/13/2004 Film / Memory Type digital iso 50
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1102 Shutter 1/800
Favorites Aperture 5.6
Critiques 53 Rating
/ 41 Ratings
Location City -  SP
State -  SÃO PAULO
Country - Brazil   Brazil
About Minutes later the previous "Day after"image, this photo was taken on a sunny morning ,after an overcasted day in São Paulo city. Water still on the ground provided beautiful reflections at the car park , behind train station "Julio Prestes", where an old car?s fair would take place.
Thank you all that have commented my work. I appreciated it very much.
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There are 53 Comments in 1 Pages
Andrea Forti   {K:3069} 6/20/2004
molto forte!


Matteo Patrignani   {K:789} 5/25/2004
Lovely lovely lovely!
tones and saturation are fixing the image in a way I really like!
...Sao Paulo like Venice ? ;-)


Baturalp Torun   {K:2426} 5/11/2004
great reflection shot! very nice.. well done carmem..


Márcio Kerecki   {K:167} 5/11/2004
estava olhando seu trabalho
e achei essa foto


Márcio Kerecki


August  Retrosesos   {K:1439} 5/10/2004
wow. excelent. a true reflection!


Dustin Cowen   {K:2837} 5/3/2004
Wonderful, I thought this was a canal from the smaller image. Gorgeous reflections. The exposure and colors are dead on. I like the low perspective you took, it adds alot of scale to the photo.
Nice to meet you, Cheers, Dustin


Maria Luisa Vial   {K:36017} 4/18/2004
WOW!!!! The picture is really beautiful!!! Congratulations!!! Great reflection!!!



Jorge Valerio   {K:528} 4/9/2004
Exelente foto! O reflexo está perfeito, linda!


Mike Ombrello   {K:4878} 4/1/2004
Carmen, what an absolutely beautiful image. The reflection add a totally different perspective to the image. Your colors are vivid. Well done. Regards, Mike


Ahmet Baki Kocaballi   {K:13618} 4/1/2004
great shot and wonderful reflection ..


Tommaso Di Falco Tommaso Di Falco   {K:23819} 4/1/2004
Wonderful reflection with nice light add a perspective very pleasant. Beautiful moment for composition witn nice colors.
congrats! 7


Tommaso Di Falco Tommaso Di Falco   {K:23819} 4/1/2004
Wonderful reflection witn nice light add a perspective very pleasant. Beautiful moment for composition witn nice colors.


Mkm .   {K:2458} 4/1/2004
Excellent cityscape! I have seen documentraies about Sao Paulo, I never figured it's as beautiful! I like the intense reflection and depth.Wonderful capture, I'd like to visit someday!


Alberto Calheiros   {K:2647} 4/1/2004
Belíssima foto e reflexos num excelente enquadramento !


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/31/2004
amazing reflection..
my best congrats


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/31/2004
Beautiful shot, Carmen!I love the dark tones and the high saturation of the colours. Very difficult to improve this one, apart from, maybe, the tilt. The camera seems to be held slighty couter clockwise from the horizontal, and in the building and reflection on the left it is clealy visible. Checking on the horizon (or where I would expect it, i also noticed a slight tilt. And as the wall on the right seems to lean right a bit, I think it is also patrially due to the distortion in the lens, making the image a bit spherical. Only very slightly, though. A very good shot, and you're on the main page!




Serpil KEBAPCI   {K:322} 3/31/2004
yansımalar ve netlik çok iyi tebrik ederim güzel bir fotoğraf.


Fernando Dias   {K:2241} 3/27/2004
Linda composição com reflexos maravilhosos. Bela foto.
Fernando Dias


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 3/19/2004
..mais uma fabulosa!!!


Graham Mulrooney   {K:15728} 3/18/2004
This is a beautiful image Carmem with lovely colours and reflection and a great sky. The composition is excellent and the old car and person adds extra interest.
Best regards,


Paulo Machado   {K:4482} 3/18/2004
Lindos reflexos, excelente composição.
Muito obrigado pelos comentários e pela visita, ótimo fazer amigos principalmente pelo fotografia.
O seu protfolio está excelente.
Abraços do Rio.
Paulo Machado.


Rafal K. Komierowski   {K:6441} 3/16/2004
Superb reflections. Great composition with well contrasting colors..almost timeles scene. Friendly regards, Rafal


Roy V Roy V   {K:13082} 3/16/2004
Strong and Beautiful! Perfect angle, framing, light and exposure.
Best Regards,


Fatma B.   {K:1864} 3/15/2004
amazing shot.


B:)liana    {K:30945} 3/15/2004
Oh, I see you are using the Canon A300.. welcome to the club of Canon PowerShot ;-)
I love this scene and perspective and angle. well done
Kiss, Biliana


Hanna Segal Hanna Segal   {K:13469} 3/14/2004
Stunning reflection! It looks like that place was fairly flooded... hehehe


Yoshi Enoki Jr   {K:3021} 3/14/2004

I feel as though the world is floating........


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 3/13/2004
Just as beautiful as the previous one! Really amazing reflections, and so beautiful colours! Perfect quality and mood!


Hugo Pierre   {K:15692} 3/13/2004
Gorgeous composition! Excellent and appealing reflections and colors. ?Parabéns!
Saludos, Hugo.


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 3/13/2004
Conta-me, ainda existe aquele asilo de velhos aí por essa zona,quando a agua despencava lá de cima,mais que os 15 minutos regulamentares ,eles já eram retirados pelas janelas? Isso era o folclore do S.Paulo do tempo de Geisel (ainda lembras quem era ?)
Gosto da foto.Gosto muito de fotografar gente, só que paisagem está lá sempre,gente ,só raramente está com aquela expressão ou atitude. Mas adoro e sobretudo cara de mulher-sem segundo sentido...- porque a maioria parece, mas com a camara por perto, já não é.


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 3/13/2004
Both are great shots, I think I like this one even better........Randy


Kees and Carolyn    {K:15193} 3/13/2004
Wonderful cityscape with the beautiful reflections. Lovely colors and detail!


Rob Ernsting Rob Ernsting   {K:8899} 3/13/2004
Magnificant shot, incredibly beauty due to the refelection. Very observant to have noticed this opportunity. Well done. Regards, Rob.


Ian Crean   {K:14866} 3/13/2004
Wonderful Carmem, I like how there is more sky in the ref;ection than above, and if it wasn't for the building on the right, with those classic cars this could be a timeless photo. Nicely presented too. Ian


Romulo Lubachesky   {K:11836} 3/13/2004
Bela foto,reflexos perfeitos, parabéns e abraço!


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 3/13/2004
Obrigado pelas palavras gentis, para quem está começando elas valem ouro.
Parabéns pela excelente qualidade artística e técnica não apenas dessa foto, que tranforma uma paisagem cotidiana numa obra de arte, mas de todo o conteúdo do seu
portfolio, lembranças do Rio,
J. Borges.


Alex Teller   {K:8286} 3/13/2004
This is just as excellent as the previous one, or maybe even better. I love both, in fact your entire portfolio, Carmem, is just wonderful, enjoyable and very instructive,


Gino  Quattrocchi   {K:39580} 3/13/2004
spettacolo assoluto occhio e composizione magistrali
foto suggestiva adoro le proporzioni perfette
giusta la tua presenza in comunity


Graciela Pierre Graciela Pierre   {K:7318} 3/13/2004
Carmen, these reflections are really great! Very well seen and captured, excellent composition. Congratulations!
Regards from Buenos Aires


Marusnik Bela   {K:11611} 3/13/2004
No comment.Perfect reflection, wonderful work!Congrats!


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 3/13/2004
Hi! ..Again, Carmem : Another Excellent Cityscape! Good Composition, Plenty of Scenic View, Details....!!!



Emanuele Calvagno   {K:14353} 3/13/2004
bellissimi riflessi e senso di profondità!


Lou Dina   {K:12194} 3/13/2004
Wonderful reflections, Carmem. It give the photo great depth and appeal. Regards, Lou


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 3/13/2004
Excellent reflections! This one is much better! Try to put your camera near the water, in small distance from it. If you did that the quality of the reflection will be better and the colours almost like the real! Very good! Best regards, JH.


Ana Vianna   {K:15270} 3/13/2004
Sensacional!!! Está maravilhoso o reflexo, munha amiga! Lindo trabalho! Perfeito!


WALT MESK   {K:10691} 3/13/2004
greats reflections!compliments...walt.


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 3/13/2004
Superb photo Carmem


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 3/13/2004
Gorgeous!!This is a special work,very well done,dear Carmem.I like it for a fantastic reflection and a good composition.To my favorites.


Murat Tanriover   {K:8387} 3/13/2004
If you turned it over upside down it would be the same shot even though it looks like a very crowded shot. Reflections are that good on this shot. May be it would have looked better if you moved a little to the left to lose that dark concrete block. May be not...
Excellent shot Carmem...


Marc's Photopage   {K:-152} 3/13/2004
Very detailed and a nice reflection! It sure looks good enough for a postcard. I would send it right away. Great!


L B.   {K:13965} 3/13/2004
Wauw Carmem, this picture is even better the previous one. The water (dont know the eng. word for it!!) Is way bigger and the reflection is perfect! The frame is excellent and the water looks very deep, you can;t see the bottom, wonderfull. I am really really impressed by it! My compliments!
Greets, Lex..


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 3/13/2004
This is a nice big reflective shot.Great sky that day. My best,John


Clifton Jones Clifton Jones   {K:10688} 3/13/2004
Great reflection...very nice shot......




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