Christian Wettergren
{K:1333} 4/18/2004
Hi m.c. thanks for your comment, I have finally been out with my analogue one and shot som rolls. :)
This one was superb, wonderful! I like the combination of concrete and abstract at the same time, cool!
See you around! -Christian
diptanshu roy
{K:1059} 4/4/2004
nice grid
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 3/13/2004
Salutations. This is new, this nowhere.
Bill Morgenstern
{K:7157} 3/7/2004
The lines and abstract quality captured in your window series really fascinates me. You give us a view but leave room for our own interpretation for what is seen and not seen. These are top images af UF. Thanks for putting them up.
Regards - Bill
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 3/2/2004
Excellent .
laura diaz
{K:863} 3/1/2004
esta tiene misterio , te invita a adivinar que hay detras de esos vidrios sucios.
{K:12204} 3/1/2004
bigtime cool, mc!
Piers Erbsloeh
{K:824} 2/29/2004
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 2/29/2004
mi gusta esta photo. sabes que la de Freud es una parodia a mi mesma ,pq no mi gusta a Freud !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 2/29/2004
nowhere isn't just everywhere, but sometimes just around the corner :)
Ned Ali
{K:11928} 2/29/2004
ARTISTIC!! lines .. shapes .. colours and light .. LOVELY!
thanks for your comments on my "Old Window" :)
MC .. you have such a wonderful collection! keep it up.