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Once upon a time I was loved....truly loved
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Image Title:  Once upon a time I was loved....truly loved
Favorites: 8 
 By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Gayle's Eclectic Photos  Gayle's Eclectic Photos {Karma:91109}
Project #16 Poetry in Pictures Camera Model Nikon F60 / N60
Categories Still Life
Film Format
Portfolio Floral
Award photos
Lens Quantaray 28-80mm
Uploaded 2/21/2004 Film / Memory Type ilford B&W
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1945 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 43 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Ghost town in rural area
State -  MONTANA
Country -   
About Chosen Photo of the Day in 2004
BIP in 2005
SC award in 2005 (this award on 2nd uploading for "best photo" category)

still learning how to use the tools in paint shop pro 8 and was difficult to get blue just right for full jar coverage, but did best i could...comments appreciated
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Gayle's Eclectic


"In I myself,in all the world,these currents flowing,All,all toward the mystic ocean tending."  Whitman


Sailing in the moonlight...


Afternoon delight light...

Seattle style....

"Benediction of light"...Ansel Adams

Jelly bean trail...

Pump up the VOLUME...

There are 43 Comments in 1 Pages
Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 6/11/2006
Thanks! it is a very revealing image about myself in a nut-shell! ;>


David M Roberts David M Roberts   {K:914} 6/11/2006
what a superb image Gayle, very classic, almost timeless


Sian    {K:2487} 6/24/2005
Just browsing through poetry in pictures, loved this one! I realise this was a fair while ago, but it's new to me. It's just beautiful, and your title too.


Bahadir k Bahadir k   {K:8825} 2/24/2005
really the blue gives a better look to the shot.but its already a good shot without any retouches...


Dale Hardman Dale Hardman   {K:394} 11/27/2004
Congratulations, once again! Your being selected for BIP, in "Poetry in Pictures",is not surprising to me since this photo epitomizes what that category states.

The framing of this shot and depth of field is classic in lending perspective between the foregrounded blue bottle and the hazy background through the window. The semi-circular,irregular stone steps seem to circumscribe maybe a garden (where "once upon a time I was loved..."), or a walk way path from the house, that remind me of a fragment of a poem:

"We can't see/the singularity/keys,that are steps inside."

Your title makes me wonder what once these little flowers, herbs or weeds were;what color, or simple beauty they once shown forth while alive.Yet,as the poet Rilke said, once the veil is lifted we have moved from one world to another, but both are part of life.The great pastoral poet of England, John Clare, said: "Where flowers are, God is."

This picture suggests this and many other things to my eye and I thank you for taking it.


Peggy Christine Skinner Peggy Christine Skinner   {K:26936} 11/27/2004
I think when UF was looking for a 'best in project' they stumbled upon this beauty just like I did a while back. They must have wondered how in heck they missed this one last February. Congratulations Shameless, just one of many sweet things that are happening for you.


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 10/7/2004
Thanks,Sassy!...this image says quite a bit about my "fragile" side and love of simplicity and vintage...makes me smile to know it touches you,too ;> ...Shameless


Peggy Christine Skinner Peggy Christine Skinner   {K:26936} 10/7/2004
I just found this and it is a treasure Gayle. The tones are exquisite. Such delicate and wistful beauty. There is such a fragile quality to the image and title. I can't really express how much this image touches me. A very sentimental piece of work.


Gerhard F   {K:2820} 2/29/2004
hi gayle - I just checked your portfolio and must say this one is your masterpeace (until now) in usefilm. congrats


Jim Loy Jim Loy   {K:31373} 2/26/2004
wow---this could be a "photo of the day" candidate.....



Dave M   {K:9043} 2/25/2004
This is very beautiful work.


Kees and Carolyn    {K:15193} 2/25/2004
Oh, this is beautiful, Gayle, I don't know how I missed it, escpecially since you're
on my friends list. Congratulations! I'm anxiously waitng for your email. You've
got me curious, now!! Thanks for your comments! Carolyn P.S. That blue glass
looks great being the only color with the brown shades. I love it. I'll have to
put it on favorites. Thanks for bringing to my attention! I rarely go to the main page.


ilan Amihai   {K:1835} 2/24/2004
very nice " nature morte"


Patrick Elsass   {K:552} 2/24/2004
This is a great shot. Well done. I'm going to practice on this technique.


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 2/24/2004
WOW!!!! I am so grateful for all of your comments and congrats...I'm still in shock that one of my photos was chosen for POD and am most pleased that everyone can see it AND that i can click on those of you new to me and see a wealth of more great talent...usefilm members ROCK!!!...regards, Gayle in WA state


A. A   {K:1987} 2/24/2004
this is a great photograph! i love the blue of the jar! great composition and great ideas. it looks like it's snowy outside and the viewer is inside a warm country house. this photograph is very thoughtprovoking and wonderful! thanks for sharing!


kosta rica   {K:153} 2/24/2004
beautiful,and congrats on POTD.


Craig Garland   {K:27077} 2/24/2004
Hi Gayle; congratulations on Photo of the Day. I really like the shot, the sepia toning, and your PSP8 work on the jar is excellent. Nice work. Craig


Mark Beltran   {K:32612} 2/24/2004
What a great title for an exquisitely done photograph. Your composition is very nice and free, but in control. Lovely choice of tone. I'm not sure coloring the jar was necessary, but like you said, you were learning Paint Shop. Windowsills are like sacred ground, allowing room and time to think it over so to speak, and even reminisce. What would be nice also is some kind of prose to go along with the photograph and title.


Lissa Hatcher   {K:3006} 2/24/2004
Really wonderful tones in this image . It just works . Great light and feeling I can see why it was chosen ...congrats


Roger Cotgreave   {K:15892} 2/24/2004
well done gayle looks great, has that sense of stillness and the blue holds the interest, Congratulations on POD...regards roger


Raamses Ortiz   {K:4408} 2/24/2004
Well composed, contrast and jar coloration is veru nicely done. A well done job Gayle.


sandy c. hopkins   {K:17107} 2/24/2004
congrats on photo of the day young lady! well deserved..the tones here are wonderful as well as the texture and comp.


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 2/24/2004
nice work.. like the contrasts and composition.. good job


Joshua Rainey   {K:5069} 2/24/2004
Dang Gayle, photo of the day! Does that mean that we are tied 1-1. This shot is definitely good. I really like the title too. Congrats...


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 2/24/2004
YOU DID GOOD! Very nice image you have created, I really like it. Love the tones and the lone blue Don't know why...but there is no box in which to rate this. Haven't seen this before, no way to rate your image...??!!


Pablo    {K:5381} 2/24/2004
A very simple yet very beautiful picture. I really like the composition and the overall tonality. Also the blue looks very good on the jar. A truly excellent photo. Congratulations on being chosen for photo of the day.



Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 2/24/2004
Congratulations Gayle...


Mirna Viola   {K:794} 2/24/2004
Mi piace tantissimo questa foto. Semplice ed efficace contemporaneamente. Il colore seppia da alla foto un'impressione romantica. Complimenti


Dale Hardman Dale Hardman   {K:394} 2/24/2004
Congratulations on being selected Photo of the Day for 2-24-2004!! I too love the blue tint on jar in contrast to the rough hewn texture of windowsill. Nice composition with thoughtful sentiment through the lens. Love ya, Dale


Enjoy    {K:16125} 2/24/2004


Aida Krgin   {K:743} 2/24/2004
You made it to Photo of the day. What do you think?
Your shot is well composed and ceative. Congrats!


Savinelli Lorenzo   {K:2844} 2/24/2004
fantastic work, my compliments!


Jimmy Payne   {K:21163} 2/23/2004
Gayle, your best was good. This is a beautiful earth tone shot with the blueness of the jar contrasting very well. Excellent.


ahmed refay   {K:548} 2/22/2004
nice one


Mark Stein   {K:6210} 2/22/2004
I really like this little jar shot. I have canned pickles for years so know these jars very well. :) I think you did an excellent job on the coloring. I know what helps me sometimes is to blur the edges slightly after you have flattened the layers to make it blend in nicely (in Photoshop but not sure how PSP works).


Alisa Mudge Alisa Mudge   {K:12511} 2/21/2004
This has a nice warm feeling of nastalgia to me. I could easily see this as a card with a nice saying on it. The dof works perfectly.


David Dias   {K:1347} 2/21/2004
Hi Gayle,
I think we all can relate to the title (some more than others). I just put this in my favorites cause it is so well done (and not cause). 7/7. Your subject and the blueing of the jar are great. Well done. Is that a little spider on the sill?


Enjoy    {K:16125} 2/21/2004
I think this is very creative thought provoking and well done...I like it.


Michael Johnson   {K:322} 2/21/2004
Very nice composition.


Murat Tanriover   {K:8387} 2/21/2004
The blue tone looks good on the jar.
Beautiful composition...


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 2/21/2004
great composition.


Lou Dina   {K:12194} 2/21/2004
I like it Gayle. Very effective contrasting colors. Lou




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