Peter Domotor
{K:1854} 3/28/2004
Hi Ned,
the crane is sharp, here some overexposition as Rawabi and Kristina said. Try to change metering mode, use evaluative instead of the partial for the next time. One more thing the pilon in the background, try to avoid such unneeded objects(1-2 steps sideway could help in this case). Use PS Elements if you have on the installation disc of the camera. You have an interesting portfolio, don't worry abt. your talent. Lot of experimentations and practice are always unavoidable :)) regards and thanks for your comments durmi
Subhash Sen
{K:11931} 3/5/2004
Hi Ned if u call yourself a not good photographer then what do i do,lovely,cheers,Subhash.
c c
{K:13449} 2/27/2004
WOW! Nice colors! Beautiful!
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 2/25/2004
Rawabi is right, the face of the bird is over exposed. But besides that, this is such a cool and fantastic capture! Details are superb, and this face expression, hair and pose... hahaha... it's gorgeous! :-)) I also like the colours in background!
Ned Ali
{K:11928} 2/22/2004
Rawabi .. i have installed PaintShop Pro. I think i need sometime to learn how to do things with it.
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 2/20/2004
Spettacolari i colori e la profondità di campo è ok!! molto bella Gino
Ned Ali
{K:11928} 2/9/2004
Thank you all for the comments. Rawabi .. I don't know how to do that .. even I don't have PS.
heheheehee .. Khawla .. you embarrassed me!! I promise not to repeat that

Khawla Bin Thani
{K:3455} 2/8/2004
Nice shot ..I would prefer if you write the name in buttom...so that we focus in the image more than the name ;)))
willing to see more .
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 2/3/2004
he he.. soo funny.. i don't think that it's blurry, but it's kinda over exposed.. try selecting the over exposed part and darkening it a bit.. :) very sweet little model! ;-)
gheorghe(rec) florucza
{K:1099} 2/3/2004
beutiful colores, perfect focus rec