Sean Fitzgerald
{K:310} 12/18/2002
Hey Terrence! The sky is great and the foreground is really nice also. However, the trees look so bright they seem superimposed. The statue and the shadow it casts is great and so is the cross. Those are my gripes. Neat photo.
Terrence Kent
{K:7023} 12/16/2002
thx very much~
Dawna G.
{K:7709} 12/15/2002
Beautiful Terrence! I particularly love the sky - well done.
michaelle .
{K:3807} 12/15/2002
WOW! beautiful...
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 12/15/2002
Surreal quality...looks like a dream or something. Very good, TK.
Barry Tipping
{K:959} 12/15/2002
Terrence, this is either a great Bryce image or the most amazing landscape I've seen in some time. Either way, congrats!
Eric Goldwasser
{K:4294} 12/15/2002
Wow man! Just WOW!
Bart Aldrich
{K:7614} 12/15/2002
Thanks for waiting! This is special.
meprivacynet@meprivacy.net meprivacynet@meprivacy.net
{K:3974} 12/15/2002
I'm speechless
Lee Horn
{K:256} 12/15/2002
This is a unique and wonderful capture.. love the lighting on it.. and the quality of the clouds.. great shot!
Steve Kompier
{K:4629} 12/15/2002
WOW..very surreal. Well worth the wait. Go Terry go.
jeff lynch
{K:4770} 12/15/2002
It was worth the wait Terrence! Nicely done here.
Andy Eulass
{K:13435} 12/15/2002
Terrence, you have a real talent for these night shots. Between this and the other extremely cool portrait shot you did, I'm in awe. This photo is mind blowing for the surreal sky and the eerie glow of the snow. A true dreamscape. Great work.
Terrence Kent
{K:7023} 12/15/2002
i hate to give away the secret recipe but otherwise people will just assume the tone is all photoshop, however in reality it's just the effect of a sodium street lamp being within range of the snow to register in the exposure. Felix culpa, right~
Toni Martin
{K:5092} 12/15/2002
This is a strange one, Terry. Very earie. What caused the orange in the foreground? The sky makes this image.