Ursula L.
{K:1125} 2/18/2004
Hi Greg this picture was on random this morning and it caught my eye. I like the perspective and the cool colour combination. Your sunsets and sunrises shown in your portfolio are also unique Best regards from Switzerland, Ursula
Sandra Bozic
{K:3963} 12/18/2003
al shaikh
{K:15790} 12/16/2002
A very unique perspective greg, I think this is very eye catching.
Gary Martin
{K:579} 12/1/2002
Greg, this is a strong composition, but technically, not one of your best photos. The gradation of color in the sky, while reminiscent of overpolarization (which you certainly can't use with a 14 mm ultrawide!), doesn't help this image. The crossarm on the pole is almost lost against that dark blue.
Greg Summers
{K:1115} 11/30/2002
You can't use a polarizer on a 14 mm lens - well, maybe you could witht the Cokon Pro system - what you see is light fall off - you have to use a 145mm to know what it does. So, no - no polarizer was used. Interesting huh?
Paulo Teixeira
{K:1004} 11/26/2002
This is a great look on a everyday object. The 14mm helped a lot ! And I think you used a polariser.
Tony Bruguiere
{K:160} 11/25/2002
Certainly a departure from your usual image, Greg. I like the strong diagonal composition. The DOF is amazing. The lighting is very good. Good eye to see this.
Chris Whaley
{K:3847} 11/25/2002
I definately thought it was column from ancient ruins till i saw it larger...but it still looks like a column from ancient ruins...very cool....strong strong image...makeing the normal visually exciting is a challenge and you have done damn well with this one.
Beverly Gustafson
{K:1572} 11/25/2002
This makes me dizzy. Fantastic in everyway.
Steven B. Poitinger
{K:1757} 11/25/2002
Had to look twice at the name on this one Greg. Nice to see your keen eye for composition extend beyond landscape and nature. Viewing the thumbnail at a glance I thought this was a pyramid. I like the thoughts supporting this image, we are all connected and in more ways than most believe.
Markos Berndt
{K:382} 11/25/2002
I really am attracted to this image... not only for the colors which are just perfect but for the meaning behind it.
Bart Aldrich
{K:7614} 11/25/2002
Depth of field and color are impeccable, plus storng composition. Ooh!