Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 2/7/2004
David Tasker
{K:4281} 6/14/2003
The sand reflection is what makes this image - Well done
Debbie Groff
{K:9569} 12/17/2002
The colors are almost too unreal..yet I know they are real after reading your 'About'. I have never seen such an awesome glowing red reflection such as you have captured in this image due to the sun shining on the lighthouse. Pretty cool. Very unique. Debbie
Kurt Yang
{K:967} 11/26/2002
composition is first class. very nice photo.
Steven B. Poitinger
{K:1757} 11/22/2002
The exposure is perfect and well thought out. This is a great view of this Holland landmark taken during a time of day rarely seen. I agree with the lighting on the rocks being a bit distracting but I'm not sure how you could have avoided it and still included the reflection. I like Tony's crop even if that composition is a it tight. An abstract of just the sand and reflection would be interesting too with this light.
Susan Vasquez
{K:341} 11/22/2002
This shot was perfectly exposed and has wonderful color...perhaps the composition could have been slightly better, but I still love it just as it is.
tess campbell
{K:515} 11/22/2002
looks as if the beach was painted Gary....for me...whagt really makes this photo a winner ..is how the light is hitting Big Red..warming that rich red.
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 11/22/2002
Congrats on getting up for dawn,smthng I find tremendously difficult but well worth the effortas this shot demonstrates.I love the light and colours here but the highlighted clutter to the left, rather a distraction.Iwould have got in closer to the water and taken this shot from lower down-as in the attatchment.Good work though,hope to see more of Big Red in the future.

Lexie Summers
{K:2027} 11/22/2002
I love the reflection in the wet sand. The bright red in in the sand makes this image very strong. The only thing I can suggest is that maybe the lighthouse is to centered at the top of the image. The shore line has a very nice diagonal line that your eye follows through the image. I would like to see the lighthouse flow into that line a little more. I think you have a good thing going here. Keep working with it.