Jocelyn Fong
{K:1380} 6/18/2004
Hi Inge,
really like your photo and am wondering how you got that cross-processed look. Was it through PS?
A Brito
{K:10699} 12/29/2003
excellent portrait ! lovely composition, beautiful expression fromthe beautiful model... perfect lighting! great PS work, I only had removed that bvlue area near the hair and neck. In my favorites
Telmo Domingues
{K:9639} 12/28/2003
I don't believe I have enough knoledge to comment this photo the way you asked... Anyway, it seems to have a strong commercial power. It's soft - transmits calm -, sexy - it's appealing -, the model has a strong atittude - delievers a message and finaly it is serene - transmits insurance. Technically (... I don't know much.. :-((() seems pretty well! I think the blue tone, even in the eyes, is good... (I prefer the first one! - opinions!;-))))
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 12/28/2003
Photographically it is very good, I like the pose of the model and the crop of the image, maybe I would have framed a bit less the shoulder, the PS work is also good in my opinion, I like the softness and that blue-green halo around her body and her eyes, it's charming! Bye Max
jose da silva
{K:213} 12/28/2003
Very nice shot! Clean and well lit. Best regards, Jose da Silva.
gregory J. mclemore
{K:1810} 12/28/2003
very nice portrait beautiful model I like the softness in the shot regards
Inge Helland
{K:43} 12/28/2003
Thank you Tomamaso, I think I agree.... The bluish comes from an intentional gaussian blur of the blue color. I have posted one without blue eyes as well...

Tommaso Razzano
{K:8073} 12/28/2003
Hi Inge ... I think that you have worked very fine with this image... If I "have" to find a little defect .... maybe there is too much blue in her eyes ... :-) But this shot is excellent overall ! ciao. Tommaso.