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Serious Look
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Image Title:  Serious Look
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 By: Diana Cornelissen  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Diana Cornelissen {Karma:26437}
Project #9 Pictures of Our Members Camera Model Sony DSC F717
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Carl Zeiss
Uploaded 12/24/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1670 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 60 Rating
/ 38 Ratings
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About "If you want to learn how to make a good portrait, firstly go exercise with yourself as a model." So I was told by an occupation photographer. The most difficult was "how to look into the camera".... I just didn't know were to look. Now I know.... never look right into the camera; focus your eyes on something else. So this portrait is a mistake... I was waiting for the camera to click and counting the seconds to go... forgetting all about "the look". Well, in a way I liked the result... serious looking me. So no smile this time, I will remain exercising (LOL). The only thing I have edited here is the backgrond; a little darkening in PS. I will appreciate all your comments on this one.
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There are 60 Comments in 1 Pages
excelent portrait my friend you have a very beautiful model, cheers :0)


Diana Cornelissen   {K:26437} 9/12/2004
Dear Absher,
You have made me blush (LOL) with your comments. Thanks for your encouraging words!


Absher Rashid   {K:617} 9/12/2004
first of all, let me state the best thing i like about this portrait - it is the blurry dark background.
so i suppose, your'e as good at PS as you are at the real canvas.
i like it also because i had no idea of how a friend like you exactly looked liked.
and now i know that i have a beautiful lady as a friend, who takes beautiful pictures, and paints beautiful paintings. and this is what art is all about - realizing the beauty around and inside, and then translating it into words, photos, paintings, or music. to me its a divine purpose.
the disturbed skin on the left does not distract me, and i cant explain why but it does seem good. and the serious look gives the impression of a lady with a deep personality, which ofcourse, you are - and all good artists like you are.


Ahmad Hasan Ahmad Hasan   {K:4164} 7/26/2004
well just another rose


André Bermak André Bermak   {K:14443} 7/22/2004
HUMMMMMM!!!!Tão séria!?!?Uma mulher tão bonita como você deve ter um sorriso muito agradavel..... :(


Harry Jasper   {K:2913} 6/1/2004
I would not have missed it for everything what a perfect model. And I?m sure that you will satisfied with a smile.

Best regards


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 5/20/2004
So nice to meet such a lovely woman!I can tell You are a friendly person by Your photo and Your kind comments! My best,JOHN


Chris Hayward   {K:1519} 4/10/2004
Diana - I like the direct look into the camera. It gives this a self-portrait like look. There are some nits to pick. The hand appears to wrinkle the skin a little (must have been resting on the hand). Also while the strong front light (on camera flash) leads to the direct look, I wonder if a little more assymetry to the lighting would improve the figure.


Martin Mora Martin Mora   {K:4666} 4/10/2004
Hi Diana, long time no see, good to see this photo of you. beautiful. im amazed at how many comments you get, I dont seem to get them to save my skin :) but would like you to check out new one of my oldest son, it suprized me when I got to see it, hope you enjoy it, I know what a fan you and I are of Rembrandt Lighting :) dont be a stranger, O btw new email addy


Jose Vladimir   {K:602} 3/29/2004
Nice to meet you Diana, they are beautiful your pictures, good work


Helio Werneck   {K:564} 3/18/2004
You?re great in front the camera or behind it!


Helio (Brazil)


Rafal K. Komierowski   {K:6441} 3/16/2004
Diana, first of all pleasure to meet you :)) and thank you for so many up lifting comments received from you. I like your selfportrait. You have very captivated eyes, stricly sharp and in focus. Excellent image of you. Friendly regards, Rafal


Jimmy Payne   {K:21163} 3/14/2004
Greetings, Diana. I see that little girl in the wooden shoes grew up and turned into a princess. I just finished viewing every photo at your web site. Not only did Little Diana turn into a princess, you also became an accomplished artist with paint and camera. Your entire portfolio on your site is awesome. I did not see one of your paintings that I didn't love.
My best wishes,


Idézio Junior   {K:1046} 3/14/2004
I like this portrait, simple, nice. Very good idea. Try again, you can do. My regards.Idézio


reza nabavi   {K:40} 3/13/2004
hi thanks your comment on my photo (destiny)

there is a melow touch in your photos,its full of kindness and questions

my e-mail is
lets exchange our archives


Charles Denton D Charles Denton D   {K:480} 3/5/2004
About the model: "Belle comme je t'ai toujours imaginée". "And young & fresh like your paintings..."
_Well, this was subjective. But I can't deny all the seduction I find in your works!


john amore   {K:14015} 2/27/2004
Diana above it says you want to make a great portrait well this one is perfect simply
stunning well done and the Model gets a score of A++ John


jon parsons   {K:13639} 2/15/2004
Diana, I just finished taking a few shots of myself using the self timer on my camera with a tripod I must agree with you it is very difficult taking ones own picture my friend! that being said, this came out lovely... you are indeed a very beautiful woman....jon


Neil Dolman   {K:26883} 2/6/2004
Hi Diana, I wouldn't want to take a portrait of myself -
don't want to break my camera ;-) But you can, did, and succeeded! OK you have everything going for you, not like me. You are a very good photographer and you look great, these are just two of the qualities that you have and i don't :-)
Seriously though, thanks for your recent comments and the retouch you did for me, i know what you mean and appreciate you telling me. The problem for me is i do it on a Laptop and the TFT monitor is not calibrated very well, problems with where i sit, what angle is the monitor etc, how tired i am. So i'm always scared to do too much to the photo. But i'll keep it in mind for next time. Thanks for your help. regards from Swizerland. Neil


Mandy Cook   {K:30} 2/4/2004
I actually love are very beautiful!


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 1/15/2004
Schitterend zelfportrait. Ja, een beetje serieus maar de uitdrukking in je ogen vind ik erg mooi. Je ziet er prachtig uit, toch heb ik een kleine opmerking. De hand onder je kin ontsiert en leidt een beetje af. Ik kan hier zien dat je vrij gespannen was of beter, dat je het erg moeilijk vond je een houding te geven. Maar zelfportrait zijn eenmaal erg moeilijk en ik heb nog niemand gezien die ontspannen voor de camera gaat staan om een foto van zichzelf te maken. Ik doe je zeker niet na en dus, al met al heb je absoluut erg goed gedaan, Diana.
Prettig om op deze manier met je kennis te maken.


G C   {K:12204} 1/13/2004
So nice to meet you! Wonderful work, as always... I'm working on a self portrait as well, will post later tonight. Glad for your comments, making a self isn't easy! Cheers!


Hanna Segal Hanna Segal   {K:13469} 1/10/2004
Good one, especially for something as difficult as a self-portrait. You might find it funny but I have a Dutch friend who looks pretty much like you and I kindda freaked out when I opened the pic because I just couldn't believe how much you guys look alike.
Loved it.


NN  NN     {K:26787} 1/10/2004
Nice to meet you Diana! A good portrait!

Thanks for your comment, I?m so glad you liked my rose :)


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 1/9/2004
Just to start with and set the comments level I rate it with 7/7.Excellent.Second you?ve beautiful eyes,so, my advice put them in foreground even if you have to take them out .No, take,instead a macro ,they deserve all detail.
Second,forgett rules.If you feel good , look at the camera,if you don?t , look away. But never stay frozen,rigid.Be at your ease, this is the only thing in which I believe.
Thanks for your comments to my tango pictures.If you had a look at my Caminito series,you?ll find out I love saturated color.Even in this Viejo Almacen, I had to find way to cast color.That?s my way.
Regards and thanks


MEmar ME MEmar ME   {K:12566} 1/3/2004
Hi Diana:
It is nice to see you again. You looks so calm so beautiful, you are a really pretty woman.
My best congratulations for this excellent experience.
Happy new year, all the best to you.
A smile.


Rod McLeod   {K:677} 12/31/2003
An excellent self-portrait Diana,good pose and expression,colours and skin tones look natural,detail is very good,attractive catchlights in your eyes,good work,hope you have a wonderful 2004,Regards,Rod.


Antonio Fonseca   {K:2666} 12/31/2003
Excelente portrait and beautiful eyes!


B:)liana    {K:30945} 12/31/2003
Thank you dear Diana,
Happy New Year Eve with your beloved.


Jose Rasquinho   {K:12128} 12/31/2003
Good exercise and beautiful eyes!
Thanks for the advice.
Happy New Year to you Diana.


Sachiko Kanasashi   {K:3025} 12/30/2003


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 12/30/2003
Happy New Year!


John Bijl   {K:564} 12/28/2003
Hoi Diana, je hebt weer prachtige foto's gemaakt! Ik wil je graag de allerbeste wensen geven voor het komend jaar!
Gelukkig nieuwjaar, John
You've made beautiful pictures again! I want to give you my very best wishes for the next year to come!
Happy newyear, John


Ken Williams   {K:862} 12/28/2003
Nice ......


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 12/27/2003


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 12/26/2003
I like whatever a person likes or wants me to see. Looks good to me. Sometimes a capture of a pose that is not planned works well. This one works. Excellent portrait and pose.


Rob Ernsting Rob Ernsting   {K:8899} 12/26/2003
Inderdaad Diana, te serieus en ook met de uitdrukking van is die nou klaar of niet die zelfontspanner. De belichting is best wel goed. Heel goed gedaan.


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 12/26/2003
Beautiful portrait with beautiful model Diana. Wonderful face details with great expression. I like it.
Regards, Hayri.


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 12/25/2003
A serious capture, pointient and well done.


Adelino Barreto   {K:12661} 12/25/2003
Excelent portrait,Diana!
Merry Critmas!


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 12/25/2003
Lovely portrait , Diana
Very good lighting
Also the background is nice


charlie f. kohn   {K:25919} 12/25/2003
dear beautiful diana,
i like you to go on exercising with yourself. smiles or no smiles. you show the serious looks of somebody who is settled in what he/she is doing, and that does it.
very , very good portrait. nice to meet you again personally.
thank you y besos // madrid


Sachiko Kanasashi   {K:3025} 12/25/2003
oh!beautiful!excellent work!!!MerryChristmas!


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 12/24/2003
Hey Diana :)
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year
Btw,i loved your should take and show os more.
My best regards to you,HakaN.


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 12/24/2003
What a beautiful lady. She does look something like an animal caught in the headlights of a car. This is a great self portrait. It is something hard to do. Happy Holidays. Don.


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 12/24/2003
beautiful result Diana,
Merry Xmas to you...
...and I will wait for your new work with your tools!!!


Veríssimo Dias   {K:1531} 12/24/2003
Hi Diana
I think the auto-portrait works. Congratulations.
Thank you for your kind words about my picture (have hope).
All the best, Merry Christmas.


PS: Please send me your email (my is
Again, all the best


cathy scot   {K:308} 12/24/2003
I think you are a very good "listener". Am I right? Just a feeling. Lovely portrait!


Noshi Ishak   {K:638} 12/24/2003
Beautiful picture of a beautiful lady
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Craig Garland   {K:27077} 12/24/2003
Hi Diana; beautiful picture of a beautiful lady! I like it, and the background is excellent too. BTW, I'll have to try the technique you've explained for doing a self portrait as I'm pretty terrible at it and not as good looking as you either;>) Happy Holidays. Craig


Teresa Moore   {K:11063} 12/24/2003
I think your self portrait is lovely. And your natural beauty is well presented here. Great job, and I hope you and your family have a wonderful Holiday! Best Wishes, Teresa


xy x   {K:41915} 12/24/2003
Nice to see you, Diana! wonderful portrait and pleasant expression, gorgeous eyes and perfect portrait, congrats, best regards


Christian Barrette   {K:21125} 12/24/2003
Nice to meet you Diana. You are nice looking !
You are right, a self-portrait is so demanding. What is it ? I'v tried but feel so uncomfortable, like suspended in emptiness. You've done it though, and quite well as a matter of fact.


Ana Vianna   {K:15270} 12/24/2003
Excellent!!! I don't like to take photo when they looking into the camera! Yes, is very difficult!
..But your phto is very well done and very beautiful!


B:)liana    {K:30945} 12/24/2003
Oh, Diana you are so beautiful and very serious but I can see your upper lip wanting to make a smile ha ha ... great portrait of yourself. but next time dont look in the camera ha h a.. good advice. you look very wonderful. I like it! I prefer sometime the half face, meaning for you to show more of your left side, or right, and a look at the side
;-) even myself I am not satisfied with my selfportraits, but I have one, that I will post very soon ;-) I prefer portraits that are more artistic, like the MOther`s love :-)
but I didnot do it myself, but a friend of mine manipulated it. I have to learn the PhotoShop ;-0) Thank you dear Diana.
Kisses and Love,


Yutaka Itinose Yutaka Itinose   {K:22586} 12/24/2003
Nice capture of self portrait! Better have a good assistant who relaxes you, a camera is not good partner feeling relaxed, I think.


Dave M   {K:9043} 12/24/2003
Self portraits are the most difficult exercize, as we all know. You've done a great job here. Love the expression. Happy holidays!


Mr. Arrey   {K:11516} 12/24/2003
Nice to see u again. merry Xmas.


Sante Brun Sante Brun   {K:290} 12/24/2003
Diana, ik zie dat vaak ook in portretten die met mijn camera van mij worden gemaakt, die blik van: als dat maar goed gaat. Jij hebt dan wel weer het voordeel dat je er goed uitziet. Maar echt een 'prachtig mooi' portret is het niet geworden, ik hoop dat je me dat niet kwalijk neemt. Hoe was het met de mistletoe?



Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 12/24/2003
Diana, mooi je ook op deze manier te zien.
Je wilt graag wat commentaar op deze foto.
Als ik er naar kijk. zie ik dat ik jenie in d eogen kan kijken , want ze kijken naar een punt boven mij.
De hand van jou leidt af van je gezicht en is net of die van iemand anders is.
Zo heb ik je eerlijk mijn mening gegeven
Dat laat onverlet dat het een mooie foto is van een groot persoon, die veel karakter in haar foto,s legt.
Heb fijne kerstdagen
Beste wensen van Teunis




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