Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 12/21/2003
i like the idea and expression.. probably needs more focus and better lighting..
jeff f.
{K:120} 12/16/2003
: ...
{K:30945} 12/15/2003
Beautiful ;_0
Ali Jabbar
{K:519} 12/14/2003
well done .. but it needs some sharpness
heno jamal
{K:614} 12/14/2003
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 12/14/2003
I like it, good ligth. Bye
Abeer Al Jarsh
{K:10209} 12/14/2003
nice shoot u need to enhance lighting well done
Aliyar Taravati
{K:2822} 12/14/2003
Excellent portrait with great expression.
Regards, Aliyar.
Tommaso Di Falco
{K:23819} 12/14/2003
Beautfiul portait in B&W and nice light and shadows... enjoy, Tommaso
Zé Ovo
{K:7579} 12/14/2003
Very nice work! Great B&W!
Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 12/14/2003
"I like your eyes."
Beautiful bw. Exotic atmosphere. Incredibly long lashes.
david malcolmson
{K:4145} 12/14/2003
This one of those rare occasions when some background information would be useful. Is this a visual metaphor for the subordination of women in some cultures? The eyes carry the whole burden of the emotion expressed here, so little else is visible to provide clues.It is a disturbing image, and well-captured..
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 12/14/2003
maybe salam ? :)