Mark Scheuern
{K:1428} 10/9/2002
You're right, Kim. I'd prefer it with the background more evenly lit, too. I lit it with an Alien Bees monolight near the camera and an SB-28 strobe to the right, pointed at the background and pretty much skimming it. It would have been better at less of an acute angle (or with another flash on the opposite side). Controlling the exact position of the dog was difficult as well. Treats or wearing them out first are good ideas. And nice doggies and picture and you've got there!
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 10/9/2002
Lovely pose and great light on the dog... I think I would prefer it if the background were all one colour, instead of the hotspots. Was this with window light, or did you light it yourself? Beautiful catchlight in her eye. The secret to getting two dogs to pose together.... tire them out on a run first!!! Or use treats... both work for my dogs!

Mark Scheuern
{K:1428} 10/9/2002
Thanks, Sarah. Yep, Kisses is a girl. She and her sister were visiting for the day. My attempts to get a decent shot of them together were a total failure. They were running around like crazy and anything that resembles an actual pose came and went in an instant.
Sarah Needham
{K:2482} 10/9/2002
Thanks for the comment on my doggie pic Mark.
This is lovely. I like the fact that the dog is looking up. It isn't easy to do doggie portraits, they move around too much. I don't mind the shaddow because it isn't too dark. She's a pretty dog (I presume it's a girl with a pink collar).
Reynaldo Guimaraes
{K:2422} 10/9/2002
I like it, Mark. Maybe he/she could be looking direct to camera. Any time I try to photograph my dogs it is not easy.