Andi Ionita
{K:765} 1/30/2004
Gandeste-te ca vad asa ceva aproape in fiecare zi pe strada, dar din pacate asta este realitatea noastra....urata, murdara, neingrijita. Cat despre fotografie mi se pare foarte, foarte reusita. Expresia copiilor, tonurile, incadratura. Ce nu ma da pe spate este lumina, insa realizez ca nu ai avut cum sa o "joci", ai luat-o ca atare. Felicitari.
Giancarlo Liguori
{K:5281} 1/8/2004
Excellente! Where is it?
Giancarlo Liguori
Ciprian Ilie
{K:13571} 1/8/2004
Felicitari Dan. Ai capturat un moment unic aici. Calitatea imaginii este excelenta la fel si cu compozitia.
jake griffin
{K:3439} 1/8/2004
I'm glad to see a photo of this nature gets some attention as I take similar images. I would identify location, details as you call it a journalist pc. To be perfect, i would have liked to see the feet as well.
Akira Yamaguchi
{K:1163} 1/8/2004
They seem to be very curious. Nice picture.
Regards, Akira
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 1/8/2004
Bel racconto congretulazioni per l'Editor's Choice
Paolo De Maio
{K:34932} 1/8/2004
My best compliments for editor's choice dan!!!
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 1/8/2004
well done dan it is a great shot...roger
Sarah Underhill
{K:235} 12/16/2003
Great photo. Great composition.
Kala Wlodarczyk
{K:2567} 11/21/2003
Mafalda Machado
{K:835} 11/17/2003
Uwe Noelke
{K:277} 11/12/2003
perfect moment. very intence.
{K:5996} 10/30/2003
very good.cong....
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 10/30/2003
I can't ask for a better composition than this, and so with the image quality. Is it true that Neopan needs to be used with contrast filters?
{K:1598} 10/30/2003
zosia zija
{K:11106} 10/30/2003
very fine!
Carlos Brando
{K:4637} 10/30/2003
excelente imagem...
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 10/30/2003
beautiful photo
lidian neeleman
{K:6700} 10/30/2003
Dramatic street scene.... Great documentary image.. soo beautiful in B/W.... ..Lidian!
{K:1052} 10/24/2003
Love it ... Very well captured...moment in time - two lifes... Regards Milan
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 10/24/2003
Nice capture and nice tone!
Ulf Forsberg
{K:-64} 10/23/2003
Great documentary photo.
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 10/23/2003
great shot regards
{K:9693} 10/23/2003
excellent capture in B&W! cheers, Jose
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 10/23/2003
magnificent documentary.
Donna Devine
{K:2885} 10/23/2003
Great shot! Works so well in B&W. Suggestion: Straighten up the tilt.