Giovanni Allievi
{K:1052} 1/23/2004
Stupenda! In genere questi scatti sono difficilissimi, ma tu ci riesci bene! Bravo.
Dave Marquis
{K:2172} 1/23/2004
EXCELLET! this is so beautifull. Please do more!
Dave www.japanish.org
dennis maglic
{K:14} 1/23/2004
Jason Thomas
{K:35} 1/23/2004
Can't wait to see more
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 1/23/2004
spettacolare. congratulazioni. una da ricordare!
Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 1/23/2004
Outstanding photograph! Congrats on photographer of the day.
Harry Eggens
{K:14804} 1/23/2004
Superb underwater shot. Fantastic light and colors. This is an outstanding piece of work Luigi. Concaratulations being photographer of the day. Very well deserved....Best regards Harry
Miluxa Patricio
{K:6060} 1/23/2004
Explendid! I love this. Best regards.
Jill Hatzai
{K:1854} 1/23/2004
I think that this photo is awesome. It's pictures like this inspired me to be a photographer. This is the type of photography i hope to one day do. Bravo! JILL
Christopher Shirley
{K:219} 1/23/2004
A really dramatic image. Makes me want to get better....inspiring stuff!
sahira fontana
{K:128} 1/23/2004
no wordsssssss....... waooo you got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):)
Nicola Vassallo
{K:9801} 1/23/2004
standing ovation! wonderfull very very very wonderfull
Giancarlo Liguori
{K:5281} 1/23/2004
Amazing colors and model! Excellent!
My compliments.
Giancarlo Liguori
Luiza Fernandes
{K:17} 1/23/2004
this is awesome!
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 1/23/2004
Grazie alla tua POTD ho scoperto il tuo portafoglio che mi ha lasciato impressionata Le mie piu'sincere congratulazioni! Che onore! POTD e Fotografo OTD. Due tue foto in prima pagina. Un onore meritatissimo Che posso dire di piu'? Questa foto e' meravigliosa in tutti i sensi ma..... lo sai gia' Un caro saluto Emgy
Heather Tomas-Allem
{K:1064} 1/23/2004
Awesome picture! Finding beauty in something that can STING you... :)
Andre Moreira - Russo
{K:448} 1/23/2004
VEry nice picture... great composition... congratulations
Sandor Botor
{K:1175} 1/23/2004
Florian Wetzel
{K:68} 1/23/2004
that's perfect; the colours are wonderful, tremendous! bye + best regards! flo
Ellen Havrilla
{K:8618} 1/23/2004
Wow! She is a beauty!! Such wonderfull colors and graet sharpnes! Congrats to your photographer of the day!! You deserves it. To my favorites. Kind regards Ellen
Nuno Murias
{K:5323} 1/23/2004
Raja Oloan Tumanggor
{K:631} 1/23/2004
Very beautiful, Luigi!
Claudia De Benedetto
{K:2220} 1/23/2004
CHE MERAVIGLIA !!! Complimenti
Salvo Valenti
{K:17038} 1/23/2004
Complimenti per tutto ........
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/23/2004
..e fotografo del giorno!!! I MIEI COMPLIMENTI CIAO ROBY 7/7
Alvaro Ennes
{K:2605} 1/22/2004
Great pic! Excellent colors and light! Congratulations Regards Alvaro
Luigi Piccirillo
{K:142} 1/9/2004
Thank you Dana, ...it was in a tank: at Genua's aquarium, Italy. I'd like very much to be able to take shots underwater....May be one day... Regards Luigi
Sim Hing Shek
{K:1370} 1/9/2004
Magnificent colours, I love the rhythm and energy of this image. Great work! Did you see this while diving or was it in a tank?
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 9/30/2003
WOOOOOOOOOOW SPLENDID FOTO.............Regards Kaj Nielsen
william robb
{K:216} 9/29/2003
This is an awesome picture.
Paolo De Maio
{K:34932} 9/28/2003
Grandiosa! Complimenti Luigi Paolo
Hugo Pierre
{K:15692} 9/28/2003
Gorgeous image, a masterpiece. I can't add anything more. Bravo! Post Scriptum: welcome to the club!
Martin Woortman
{K:-558} 9/28/2003
very beautiful
Baturalp Torun
{K:2426} 9/28/2003
excellent shot with limited color range.. very nice..
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 9/28/2003
woow, so beautiful. excellent photo. one of the best i have seen till now.
Luke Luther
{K:14693} 9/27/2003
what wonderful color! how intense the composition given the location.
Graciela Pierre
{K:7318} 9/27/2003
Excellent picture. Great job.
Dr@gon's Baby
{K:1011} 9/27/2003
This is increditable, so nice...good capture
Mari Mar
{K:11469} 9/27/2003
Beautiful jellyfish, great photo!
Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 9/27/2003
What a beautiful,strange flower!How deep you were in the sea when did you find it? Also I am curios in which sea you find this flower? Great captured,perfect lights,nice colors!
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 9/27/2003
Paulo Teixeira
{K:1004} 9/27/2003
WOOOOW !!! Beautiful, absolutely perfect ! Were you diving or is this an aquarium ? And where ?
Aldo Costantini
{K:659} 9/27/2003
Bellissima foto con luce e colori eccezzionali.
Aldo Costantini
{K:5381} 9/27/2003
Fantastic, and scary too.
Bulent Ahiskal
{K:1251} 9/27/2003
WOW... Perfect.
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 9/27/2003
Urka!!! fantastica! ottimi sia i colori che le luci. Grande!
simon wootton
{K:2542} 9/27/2003
beautiful colours and composition.
stefano mannucci
{K:4793} 9/27/2003
bellissima !! Ci troviamo anche qui !! Ciao e congratulazioni, Stefano
Gabriele Pfund
{K:11745} 9/27/2003
Great colours and lighting, beautiful work!!!
Aleksandra Zvonar
{K:4623} 9/27/2003
whoa, excellent work. Good composition, and amazing colors.
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 9/27/2003
Colori bellissimi ed ottima definizione Luigi,veramrnte complimenti.Saluti
Chelsea Burke
{K:5750} 9/27/2003
Lovely colours, nice composition, very pleasing image.
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 9/27/2003
Benvenuto in Usefilm, non si vedono molte foto subacque, ma questa le batterebbe di sicuro, i colori, specie il blu, sono stupendi e la creatura assomiglia ad un fiore, ma ha anche un che di extraterrestre che non mi dispiace affatto. Ciao Max
Haleh B
{K:3741} 9/27/2003
This is so cool! A perfect blend of all my favorite colors!
Benny Smets
{K:2919} 9/27/2003
beautiful shot.
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 9/27/2003
favolosa! Complimenti!!
Irenka Daniluk
{K:8011} 9/27/2003
Perfect -details, colours, light and composition. Really a beauty!
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 9/27/2003
Great work!!!!!
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 9/27/2003
Outstanding! Nothing else needs to be said.
augusto mario cunha
{K:19049} 9/27/2003
Wow! Great capture and composition with such beautiful colors! Congrats.
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 9/27/2003
Thats a beauty. Interesting capture. well done.
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 9/27/2003
Soooooooooooo beautiful!!!! What else could I say? Great capture Luigi! My best regards, Diana.