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{K:2309} 1/24/2005
Miss ClaÜdia this is beautiful sunset. I like sky colors and silhouette.
Charlie Ellis
{K:2692} 10/16/2003
Absoutely gorgeous sky (okay I'm a sucker for sunsets). I agree w/Daniel, the crop he posted was what I was going to suggest. Composition makes or breaks the shot! Good job.
{K:16195} 9/22/2003
Very nice sky colours. Beautiful compostion. Regards, Hayri.
- simos -
{K:9354} 9/20/2003
Beautiful colors........regards, simo
Romulo Lubachesky
{K:11836} 9/19/2003
Cores fantásticas!
Daniel Lozano
{K:1162} 9/19/2003
Hola Claudia, que coincidencia :)
Me gusta tu foto, como lo podras notar en las mias, me gustan las fotografias con harto contraste y mucho color y la tuya lo tiene. Bien por eso. Me gustan las siluetas de los arboles y las montañas en tu foto, que tal bajar un poquito el horizonte ? Me tome la libertad de cortarle un pedacito a tu foto, a ver que te parece.
Que gusto ver que alguien mas de Monterrey anda por aqui. :)

Alex Hare
{K:698} 9/19/2003
All sunsets/rises, however stunning in themselves need more than the sky to make them a winner. you have found some beautiful light, but i think you need to look for a strong composition to compliment it, whether it be forground, such as the valley and hills below (use a ND filter) or a strong silhouette of say a distinctive tree, such as palm. in this respect i agree with Mors, great light, just needs a little more in the photo its self.
Alberto Silvestri
{K:461} 9/19/2003
Great colors and sharpness, thanks you and your SONY!
Morsi Hussein
{K:1128} 9/19/2003
Hi Claudia! We all love sunsets and sometimes it is hard to compose them nice cause u just want everything in it. The colours here are good, however the composition and emotional appeal of the picture need some working upon. Try cutting out the trees to the left and see what happens. I wanted to give you constructive opinion. brgds Mors
Robson Zumkeller Campos
{K:4071} 9/19/2003
amazing colors!