Jill Hatzai
{K:1854} 3/12/2004
which do you like better in provence, the fields of sunfloweres or the fields of lavender?
Gary Gantert
{K:2104} 9/19/2003
It doesn't bother me that the flower is cut off. I like the limited depth of field and wouldn't even mind it blurrier. The polarizer does a great job, good contrast and sky. I wonder about the placement of the flower bullseye center. Kind of static. That whole 'rule of thirds' thing. This would be a fun image to play with in PS.
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 9/19/2003
Alex , beautiful Sunflower , I like it Regards teunis
Robson Zumkeller Campos
{K:4071} 9/19/2003
i love this... but you cut a little over the sunflower...
Paulo Teixeira
{K:1004} 9/19/2003
Very sharp and quite appellative image. Pity for the dark corner on the top, you should try a smaller aperture with your lens maybe f8 or f11... Do you have another one taken vertically (portrait) ?
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 9/19/2003
Excellent colors, would love to see the whole flower.