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The house of the memoirs
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Image Title:  The house of the memoirs
Favorites: 11 
 By: Benedetto Riba  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer Benedetto Riba  Benedetto Riba {Karma:15792}
Project #15 Personal Style Camera Model Nikon F90
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio Lens  
Uploaded 9/1/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1706 Shutter
Favorites 11  Aperture f/0
Critiques 81 Rating Critique Only Image
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There are 81 Comments in 1 Pages
Evina Schmidova Evina Schmidova   {K:2034} 6/9/2005
!wow!excellent work+wonderful color+composition!wow!


pasquale ale angelini pasquale ale angelini   {K:2543} 5/29/2004
molto bella.


Zyle II   {K:1535} 2/11/2004
and this goes in my favorites..


Vlad Onet   {K:20} 1/9/2004
...and I love this ,too!!!!
Your work is impressive!!!


Former Member   {K:1287} 12/15/2003
WOW! breathtaking!!!


sandy c. hopkins   {K:17107} 11/3/2003
i love what you do with tones..
beautiful work..


Fernando Ladeira   {K:849} 10/12/2003
GreaT phoTO!


Aleksandra Zvonar   {K:4623} 10/1/2003
oh, so beautiful!
thank you for your comment, I just realized that my image has a little bit of your style in it (not on purpose), I just wonder how do you get this effect.


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 9/23/2003
Once again an outstanding masterpiece. The colour is just fantastic and comes in perfect harmony with the house.


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 9/22/2003
Very strong and cohesive image. Composition is just about perfect.


Giulia Rinaldi   {K:3158} 9/9/2003
....non ci sono parole....
Ciao Giulia


Lissa Hatcher   {K:3006} 9/5/2003
Thanks for the the comment you asked for my email address ....


Kaj Nielsen   {K:15279} 9/5/2003
EXCELLENT work once again, you are a great performer. Regards Kaj Nielsen


Lissa Hatcher   {K:3006} 9/5/2003
Wonderful use of light ! Can you tell me what process this is ....It is truly stunning ... 10 out 10 !


Marco Terragno   {K:329} 9/5/2003
che drammaticità, che impatto emotivo, eccezionale. Mi piacerebbe conoscere le tue tecniche di post produzione. Complimentissimi.


ventrix drogo ventrix drogo   {K:65398} 9/5/2003
.... ei fantasmi?. Hanno gia' detto tutto. Bella immagine e composizione. Ciao


Günter Koth   {K:13841} 9/4/2003
Again one of these wonderful photos in your own personal style, Benedetto. Fantastic light and tones and an incredible sky. Kind regards, Günter.


Diana Cornelissen   {K:26437} 9/4/2003
Such a great atmosphere here Benedetto! Great lightning and sepia tones! My best regrads,


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 9/4/2003
2 week India Calcutta I will visited at this time autumn and.
The mother terasa group it will pick up and
officially became the photographing permission.

Hansen house, it wait dies house, etc
it is a plan which will photographing multi place.

Italy will visit next year at spring.


Cristiano Corte   {K:10836} 9/3/2003
Atmosfera spettacolare, inquietante, estremamente suggestiva. Molto bella la composizione e la geometria rafforzata dalla presenza della stradina a destra. Gran bel lavoro ! Ciao, Cristiano.

PS: nella firma, perchè prima cognome e poi nome ? Sembra un po' una cosa da militari, da disciplina scolastica o da ufficio statale...

Ciao !


Branislav Fabijanich   {K:5453} 9/3/2003
Beautiful and very original work! Best regards, Branislav


pippo giuseppe   {K:16421} 9/3/2003
Grande drammaticità!! Atmosfera quasi diabolica dato dal quel colore bruciato,sembrerebbe prendere fuoco, straordinario l'effetto che da il barbicarsi dell'edera sui muri, insomma altamente "fantastica" Bravo Benedetto

PS: ho piacere che il mio "cappellaccio" ti sia piaciuto, ogni tanto bisogna cambiare Salutoni e buona notte Maria Grazia


Tomoe Kawakami   {K:236} 9/3/2003
Shot I who am good for the good color love.


Tomo Radovanovic   {K:12788} 9/3/2003


Paolo Barthelemy   {K:25552} 9/3/2003
Bellissima composizione e grande dinamicità in questa foto. Il cielo drammatico ed i giochi di luci ed ombre sono resi alla perfezione.
Un'altra chicca nel tuo splendido portfolio!
Ti auguro un'ottima giornata.
A presto, Paolo.


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 9/2/2003
Excellent image I like the tone in this one.


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 9/2/2003
Such great, excellent, fantastic artwork! Not just a well composed and great subject, it's also so spooky and mystical with interesting lightning!


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 9/2/2003
Eccellente di la'! Eccellente di qua'!
ciao donato


r b   {K:118} 9/2/2003


Lorenzo Lessi   {K:6589} 9/2/2003
Un'altra immensa prova di pittura! Come già ho avuto modo di dirti, i riflessi sul grano secondo me da soli potrebbero fare la fotografia, se poi ci affianchi un soggetto così intressante e un cielo stupendo... Che volere di più? Ciao! Lorenzo


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 9/2/2003
Hi Benedetto! Great as always. Very dynamic fealling for the eyes of the watchers. Strong contrast between the defferent tones of the same colour and great colour scales! Especialy the plants at the left! The sky is very dramatic because of the 'heavy' clouds. Superb work! Bravo! Ciao my friend!


B:)liana    {K:30945} 9/2/2003
Oh Caro Amico. great work. again. May I put all your portofolio in my FAVORITES??? Kiss. wow.. so crispy. so powerful photograph. great great . excellent. Adoro il tuo lavoro. Regards, Biliana


Arthur Z   {K:5328} 9/2/2003
Hi Benedetto! I love this churning vibrant world you live you exhibit or sell your work? I would love to see work like this on a wall...excellent! :) d


Excellent picture.Congratulacione ,Benedetto.


Igor L.   {K:7432} 9/2/2003
Great shot!


Mário Sousa   {K:16985} 9/2/2003
a sufficiently interesting image


Mostafa Abulezz   {K:4849} 9/2/2003
Another wonderful one,Great done..


Guelfo Ajello   {K:7519} 9/2/2003
Brivido lungo la schiena...immagine che acchiappa gli occhi. Bella assai.


luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 9/1/2003
splendida in tutto!!!!!


Hugo Pierre   {K:15692} 9/1/2003
Great, great...! What can I add...? Congratulations!


Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 9/1/2003
Benedetto, you keep improving yourself. We can recognize as your work but it is changing. For better. So difficult to comment a photo with a new proposal. All I can say is that there is poetry, an excellent lightning treatment and, always, the nostalgic mood. Bella. Molto bella. Marília


T Glow   {K:14955} 9/1/2003
This is SPLENDID!!!! What a wonderful composition my dear friend!!! Great & dramatic sky... fantastic tones!!!! TOP!!! Best Regards,T.


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 9/1/2003
Sarà che ormai sono completamente conquistato dalle tue foto, ma trovo che questa sia la più bella di tutte (subito tra i miei favoriti), qui hai dato il massimo non solo nella scelta dell'inquadratura, ma anche nella rielaborazione che esalta perfettamente tutti gli elementi dell'immagine. Complimenti Benedetto, bravissimo!!! Ciao Max


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 9/1/2003
just wonderful as usual!
lovely work!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/1/2003
ciao tommaso un ottimo effetto del tempo... azzeccatissimo e stupefacente!
una meraviglia della natura!
a presto e grazie..


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 9/1/2003
...sono stato assente per un po', ma vedo che sei sempre ai massimi livelli!!
Ciao, Alberto


Anna    {K:2994} 9/1/2003
Molto molto bella, Benedetto!


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 9/1/2003
beautiful composition once again Benedetto. Very well done.
Regards, Hayri.


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 9/1/2003
Un altra prova di bravura la tua"The house of the memoirs", saluti.


Patricia Eifel   {K:5097} 9/1/2003
Your techniques work very well with this subject. The contrasts in this image are excellent - the lush vegetation and decaying structure. Well done!


Anna Pagnacco   {K:7448} 9/1/2003
E' veramente un bellissimo lavoro....Anna
Ps: grazie per i tuoi commenti, hai un portfolio interessante, tornerò...sono in vacanza ed ho una connessione lenta ,perciò non commento molto:-)


Naty Z   {K:16436} 9/1/2003
io me la stampo, la voglio assolutamente sul muro della mia stanza!!


Naty Z   {K:16436} 9/1/2003
senti, scusa, non ce la faccio, devo andare a piangere perché una tale magnificenza non l'ho mai vista, ti giuro mi sta facendo provare un'emozione incredibile questa foto e non sto scherzando!!!
grazie, grazie per queste emozioni che ci regali!!!

Un abbraccio!


A.Aziz Ayash   {K:1957} 9/1/2003


Harlan Heald Harlan Heald   {K:15732} 9/1/2003
Wonderfully composed/captured! Excellent toning! Bravo!!!


John Strazza   {K:11535} 9/1/2003
wonderful ...


Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 9/1/2003


Karen Siebert   {K:12076} 9/1/2003
How Wonderful Benedetto. You definitely have your own personal style. I can pick out your pictures from anywhere. They are all VERY beautiful and always have such wonderful lighting and tones. There are several people on this site whose works really inspire me to become a better photographer and you are among them. Great work - cant wait to see your next upload.


Gregory Fiedler   {K:15439} 9/1/2003
Benedetto, Well here it is! Just another reason why you are one of my most favorite photographers and why I wait to see new images from you. The subject matter is fantastic. The unusual house with the vines growing on it is outstanding! The forefront with the corn and road is great. The disatnt back round is good. The sky is fantastic. Now put those all together with your touch of color and tones and there is a great piece of photographic art! So very well done, pleasing, spectacular! Beautiful! Magnificant imagery! My highest regaurds to you Bennedetto! Gregory.


Robin McAulay   {K:8908} 9/1/2003


Yutaka Itinose Yutaka Itinose   {K:22586} 9/1/2003
Great work! Everyone has a house of memory in every mind. Very nice psychic image! Thanks.


Mr. Arrey   {K:11516} 9/1/2003
Great colurs and composition.


Rawabi Al-Nuaimi   {K:15659} 9/1/2003
gorgeous as always..
you have this unique style that no one can help not to notice :)


Alexey Sapa   {K:27174} 9/1/2003
Great shot! As always want to think about life! Your pictures bring the Great emotional action! Thank you! Regards, Alexey


Masahiko Shibata Masahiko Shibata   {K:14107} 9/1/2003
Wonderful originality!


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 9/1/2003
...points say it all!



Bikramadittya G. Roy   {K:7202} 9/1/2003
This is something heavy on your shoulder, lots of childhood memories, fallen apart. Lost keys, forgotten paths.


Bahadir k Bahadir k   {K:8825} 9/1/2003
great tones and composition...
talented work


Jahanzeb Baqai Jahanzeb Baqai   {K:197} 9/1/2003
Very Nice
Good Work


Tommaso Di Falco Tommaso Di Falco   {K:23819} 9/1/2003
Veramente un pezzo d'arte... grande composizione e bellissima tonalità.
ciao, Tommaso


Diamantino Mendes   {K:12959} 9/1/2003
WOW WOW Wonderful and strong work.
Congrats and regards!


Claudia F. Claudia F.   {K:2930} 9/1/2003
very good!


José Eduardo Cruz   {K:13180} 9/1/2003


Libero Api Libero Api   {K:12174} 9/1/2003
Ammazza che pezzo di immagine!! Dall'anteprima non mi sembrava così bella e dettagliata, se non è la tua migliore poco ci manca, bravissimo!


Roger Cotgreave   {K:15892} 9/1/2003
terrific job love it all...regards Roger


Muhammad Cordiaz   {K:3} 9/1/2003
You have good idea. Great!


Abeer Al Jarsh   {K:10209} 9/1/2003
wooow excellent shot and tone
the sky looks like fire
superb composition
well done
i really liked it


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 9/1/2003
wonderful color, composition!

The Italy travel was changed next year at spring.
To the autumn when I will come the India in Calcutta (Missionaries Of Charity ,Mother Teresa) and it visits.
Meet you next year at spring.


Debra Griffin-Ibrahim   {K:7119} 9/1/2003
This image is wonderful!!! I like the color and texture!!!


Joksa Juoperi   {K:13473} 9/1/2003
Another excellent work with nice composition and strong colours.
Regards, Joksa.


Paolo De Maio   {K:34932} 9/1/2003
Che dire di più se non complimenti?
Questa è un'altra top of the day vedrai!!





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