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Image Title:  Eyes
Favorites: 35 
 By: Nana Sousa Dias  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Nana Sousa Dias {Karma:263}
Project N/A Camera Model Pentax 67
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 135mm
Uploaded 8/21/2003 Film / Memory Type Tmax 400 CN
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 4115 Shutter 1/30
Favorites 35  Aperture f32
Critiques 60 Rating
/ 34 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country -   
About This shot is part of my first studio session, after I buy a very old Multiblitz kit, wich I still use and will, in the future...I hope!
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There are 60 Comments in 1 Pages
Todd Bennett   {K:-583} 12/30/2005


ISMAEL MARCOS ISMAEL MARCOS   {K:10535} 11/18/2005

how nice

my congrats.


p e t a . p e t a .   {K:18700} 5/11/2005


MUJAHID AWAIS   {K:1703} 4/25/2005
Very nice capture. +7


Girish Chonkar   {K:6903} 4/18/2005
Too bold, very sexy looks. Great B&W capture.


Romy Fabian Garmaz   {K:17105} 2/11/2005
Excellent shot. Beautifull model.


simon bode   {K:8} 11/6/2004


vasula premawardhana   {K:23} 10/30/2004
great! commanding!!


Steven Sander   {K:11} 9/16/2004
i like this picture


Steven Sander   {K:11} 9/16/2004
just like this picture


tj adan   {K:207} 8/26/2004
Wow this picture is very strong!!!


Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 7/20/2004
great work, excellent!


Efisio Mureddu Efisio Mureddu   {K:13104} 7/1/2004
Simply stunning.
Great angle, Bw and expression
Ciao Efisio


iNeS    {K:366} 7/1/2004
Great , gorgeous photo!i like it a lot!


xgx    {K:9} 5/26/2004
whats to say that hasn't already been said? it is sexy as sin!! :)


Mia ... Mia ...   {K:2993} 5/17/2004
Another gorgeous image! So far, you have the strongest portfolio Ive seen in this entire Usefilm site. Thanks again for sharing.


Giorgio Mesghetz Giorgio Mesghetz   {K:6724} 5/11/2004
Magnifico ritratto!!!bel modo di fotografare mi piace


Chris van der Grift   {K:67} 4/24/2004
The expression is incredibly strong (and that's such an obvious statement that I'm embarrassed for writing it down...) and again, your 'colours' amazingly vibrant.

Would you be able to explain how you get those dark blacks and expressive whites? Is it the film, is it the lighting, is it a filter, is it a combination, is it a secret?


Gino  Quattrocchi   {K:39580} 4/2/2004
superlativa grandissima


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/2/2004
terrific eyes .. eyes of tiger..
I love this model and you capacitie of photographer..
wondrful studios of light ..only my english is bad!



Tommy Crain   {K:16} 3/2/2004
Forgot this again,


Tommy Crain   {K:16} 3/2/2004
This is a wonderful image, pleasea contact me.


Francesca May   {K:6877} 1/19/2004
Terrific! =)


faisal abdullah   {K:89} 12/15/2003
great :)


Andreas Karlsson   {K:156} 11/7/2003
Nana Sousa Dias:

Your so right when it comes to Arties opinions
I believe in you.


Ján HRONSKÝ alias ?ltý D   {K:1292} 10/29/2003


Stian Wiik   {K:1516} 10/7/2003


Martin Pesta   {K:559} 9/24/2003


Alvin Mak   {K:1737} 9/12/2003
Beautiful shot! Very nice eyes and expression. Lovely texture of the skin and hair!


Vernon Louw   {K:2010} 9/7/2003
Wow...fantastic capture of expression and emotion...Vernon


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 9/2/2003


Eolo Perfido   {K:91} 8/30/2003
I remember that this photo has been photo of the week on
Really fantastic.



^j^ .   {K:8554} 8/29/2003
And I hope you will too...


Luis Vieira   {K:1772} 8/22/2003
O verdadeiro espelho da alma. Soberba!!!


Paolo De Maio   {K:34932} 8/21/2003
I know this shot . I saw and rated on photonet....
You are a great photographer Nana and I Thank you for this kind of image because all of us can learn what does photography means!

All the best



Marcel Laurens   {K:3654} 8/21/2003
striking portrait!! the details in the hairs across her face are excellent. your portfolio is amazing! if your music and record producing is half this good, you must be an outstanding musician!


Richard Blount   {K:8015} 8/21/2003
Wonderful image, the eyes are exquisit, great tones - Richard.


Stefan Rohner   {K:4200} 8/21/2003


Marcio Cabral   {K:12496} 8/21/2003
Fantastica imagem Nana!! parabéns!


Nana Sousa Dias   {K:263} 8/21/2003

Thank you for your sugestions, but, I need to explain something: I know about soft focuslenses, there is one of those on Pentax 67 system, the 120mm Soft Focus, but, what I'm trying to do here (and this was my first studio session, but it was 3 years ago and know, I have dozens of studio photos, you will see some, here, at Usefilm) is Fine Art portrait and nude, not fashion or comercial photo, to satisfy customers. I like to see everything that really exists in a particular person. Those lens you mentioned are great for comercial use, where everybody must look beautifull, but, my point of view is that we can "see" the most beautifull "side" of each person, without distortion of realyty. Every mark on the skin is part of that person's "story". I hope you understand my point of view, I'm not a professional photographer, and I don't pretend to look like an "intelectualoid", but I'm trying to aproach and learn photography, by its artistic side.


Mia Hargreave   {K:790} 8/21/2003



Anders Blomqvist   {K:1887} 8/21/2003
After your first studio session?! I like the intense look, the tonal range and the comp. Great work, Nana!


Anna Pagnacco   {K:7448} 8/21/2003
One of your masterpieces I have been admiring for long ...intense, unforgettable image.....A pleasure, Nana to have the chance of enjoying your works again here on Usefilm. Anna


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 8/21/2003
Fantastic portrait!!!!!!
Bye, Alberto


Tommaso Di Falco Tommaso Di Falco   {K:23819} 8/21/2003
Excellent and lovely portrait...
enjoy, Tommaso


Stefan Rohner   {K:4200} 8/21/2003


Artie Colantuono   {K:12275} 8/21/2003
Nana this is a very good lighting job and an excellent concept with great framing. My only nit pick on this is the texture of the skin on the bridge of her nose and upper mask. The face & Eyes have such an incediablly soft and sensual look that I feel the mentioned texture tends to pull some of that away. The use of a Zeiss Softar #I would allow the intensity of the 135mm on that camera to show all you wanted but yet soften that upper skin texture a bit. In any case excellent job for a first or twenty first or 101 st studio session


lowell whipple girbes   {K:13151} 8/21/2003
me like it a lot


Vanja Radovanovic   {K:18} 8/21/2003
Wow, excelent, I specially like the nonsymetrical composition.


luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 8/21/2003
intenso e bel ritratto


Nebojsa Tomic   {K:973} 8/21/2003
greatimage,strong eye contact, wonderfull girl,superb picture!!!!!


Akin Ozyazici   {K:4323} 8/21/2003
great portrait with B&W work,
Regards Akin.


Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 8/21/2003
Nana, falar da perfeição é redundância. Um dos retratos mais fortes que já ví. Impressionante e belo. Marília


Aykan OZENER Aykan OZENER   {K:5996} 8/21/2003
Ahhh! Fantastic eyes.Very great work.


kita mcintosh   {K:18594} 8/21/2003
it just goes to show that you dont have to show a whole naked body to be as sexy as hell!


Barbara Hawkins   {K:1605} 8/21/2003
Beautiful Portrait, great lighting and composition..


Alex Uchôa   {K:18547} 8/21/2003
Esta foto eu já conhecia de outros sites. Realmente é impressionante o olhar da garota, Nana. O DOF perfeito permitiu capturar detalhe em todo rosto da modelo e o cabelo um pouco assanhado deu um toque de mestre à imagem. Parabéns pelo ótimo trabalho. Vai para as minhas favoritas com certeza.


Y. A .   {K:246} 8/21/2003
Wow....No body can deny the good work !!


Marcin Gorski   {K:12388} 8/21/2003


Tomo Radovanovic   {K:12788} 8/21/2003
great work!!!!!




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