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"The Secret of Successful Photography Revealed"
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Image Title:  "The Secret of Successful Photography Revealed"
Favorites: 3 
 By: Jim McNitt  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Jim McNitt {Karma:11246}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon 5700/Canon D-60
Categories Photoart
Film Format
Portfolio Lens  
Uploaded 8/12/2003 Film / Memory Type Lexar FC
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 818 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 39 Rating
/ 24 Ratings
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About "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know." -- Diane Arbus. Comments appreciated.
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There are 39 Comments in 1 Pages
In Transit In Transit   {K:29432} 11/7/2003
Ahhh it takes a woman (KB) to point with her index finger to Mr. Jim's middle finger...

Am sure there will be more to the tale... as one studies the creator's serendipity!

Here is to smiling at you both!


Jim McNitt   {K:11246} 11/6/2003
As for the positioning of the middle finger, chalk that up to pure serendipity. In fact, I never noticed it until your comment! But perhaps there was some subconscious process at work.

I did this image a couple of days after an extraordinarily gifted photographer was "removed from competition" at another site following many months of nasty exchanges with hard-core photo "purists." They certainly aren't photo "traditionalists," since the pictorial techniques they despise -- collage, montage and even incorporating drawing and painting within the photograph -- were all developed by photography's earliest pioneers, and have been used ever since.

In any event, as you correctly perceived, "Secrets" was my response.

As for using Illustrator in my work, no I don't. Truth is, I just don't have a knack for Bezier curves. However, I do frequently use Clipping Paths in PS to convert bit-mapped selections to vector equations. Best--Jim


karen barnett   {K:4237} 11/5/2003
Oh wow... once again you have taken photography many steps past it's conventional bounds. I agree with ALL the posts, so consider this a "ditto".......

..but knowing how you so cleverly and so clearly are "in-the-face" of conventional photography, and even conventional art.... I must ask....

Did you position the photographers middle finger with it's gently raised position on purpose? Or did it swim up from your stream of consciousness to reiterate your adherence to non-conventional images? Whichever..... I find it a delightful oh-so-subtle touch. Your work just keeps getting 'cooler' and 'cooler'. Do you use Adobe Illustrator in any of it?


Jim McNitt   {K:11246} 11/5/2003
Hi Sandy:

That was the idea, exactly!

Hello IT:

Funny you should mention Arbus. Dianne and Jerry Uelsmann were my two idols when starting out. Two incredibly different influences. Fortunately, for my mental health, the Uelsmann sensibility won out years ago.

A few weeks before commiting suicide, Dianne lectured my brother's photography class at Andover. She pinned 16x20 prints of her most famous images on the walls of the studio, then left without bothering to take them down. I guess she had stopped caring. --Jim


In Transit In Transit   {K:29432} 11/5/2003
There is a current retrospective at SF MOMA... The late Arbus was one like you who walked the streets of NYC and captured what she saw... as you still do... but then you take the "cutting edge" of new technology... (no pun intended) and create images 'second to none'!

Look forward to your exhibition... where ever... and do tell us... when where... so that we can give you a toast on opening night... when you will share some of your real secrets!


sandy c. hopkins   {K:17107} 10/30/2003
what i see in this that everything...
is art...
absolutely everthing...

another facinating piece of you..


Maja Gligoric Maja Gligoric   {K:13528} 9/8/2003
Cool!Great idea.As always you are again very creative.
Excellent work,bravo!



ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 8/26/2003
fantastic creation !! Diane Arbus said many inteligent things.


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 8/20/2003
Very nice work!!


Robin McAulay   {K:8908} 8/19/2003
I can see what work you must have put into this and added to your original idea makes it a totally inspirng and classic image - a treat


B:)liana    {K:30945} 8/19/2003
Excellent representation. so creative. Bravo Jim. Kiss! I am just dreaming looking at your Photo Art. Bravo. This is Art for me. Thank you, dear Jim. Into my Favorites! ;-)


scarlet james   {K:778} 8/17/2003
Wow!! Great, fascinating, strong creative work and extremely well crafted.. I am much honoured that you not only looked at my pics but you took valuable time and effort to comment on them .. very kind - thankyou.
I added the name Clotho as `umble `omage to the `Thread of Life`Greek Godess..:) wish I had thought of Ms Plath for Night Out brilliant.. didn`t realise I`d plonked the glass dead in middle ...then I very rarely know what I do till I`ve dun it..:)scarlet x


Jim McNitt   {K:11246} 8/16/2003
Alors Joel:

Un faiseur de rêves! Bonjour Joel: Un faiseur de rêves! Quelle description convenable.

À moi, "Secret Revealed" et "Morning After" (je sais, c'est non votre favori) ont tous les deux étés au sujet des rêves. Cette image est au sujet des rêves du coeur, l'autre au sujet des rêves de l'esprit.

Dans cette image les rêves de photographe de créer l'art. Mais comme avec beaucoup de rêves, il n'est pas sans abondance des ambiguïtés. Parfois son presque "pleuvoir l''art -- il y a ainsi beaucoup de possibilités et potentialités qu'il prend la discipline considérable pour trouver le plus signicatif et pour le suivre à une conclusion réussie. Parfois, car Craig obserrved, il est "jusqu'à ses globes oculaires" dans l'art et le rêve offre des possibilités intéressantes de devenir un cauchemar des projets confus et non finis.


Le Montagner joel   {K:293} 8/16/2003
I think it's THE dream of all photographers : make art ! well or not well but try....
Jim, you are an artist and an dreams'worker (un faiseur de rêves)


^j^ .   {K:8554} 8/16/2003
I've always thought that a magician should never ever reveal his secrets ?!


Anna    {K:2994} 8/16/2003
This picture is unique, in it?s colors, composition and meaning...
I was looking at it sitting back and thinking of my photo-teacher?s words "Anna, I give you some advices and tools... but vision and creativity are something that NOBODY can give you. They must be there and they must grow..."
Thank you Jim for your inspiration.


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 8/15/2003
Very interesting composed. I like it.
Regards, Hayri.


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 8/15/2003
Jim, excellent image, great work!! Congrats.
Regard Benedetto.


evreniz e.   {K:5484} 8/14/2003
Very creative work dear Jim.. Really very successive illustration..

I congratulate you deeply for this different and creative work.

Regards, Murat.


Eva Backlund   {K:2374} 8/14/2003
What a fantastic work, you have done here. It?s a marvellous image. Congrats


Richard Blount   {K:8015} 8/14/2003
Wow! This is awesome, I like the effect and appreciate the work gone into this, I think the white/blue art streaming out of the camera, or should that be into it? Looks almost like a rope but that adds to the effect, well done Jim, one of your best yet IMHO - Richard.


Judy Kessler   {K:6316} 8/13/2003
Very creative work... well done.


Craig Garland   {K:27077} 8/13/2003
Jim; thanks much for your comments on Project assignment-- "my best photograph". The slight "halo" effect you noted around the Sea Palm I believe was probably caused by use of a PSP effects tool called 'Clarify'-- application of this tool seems to increase both contrast and sharpness, and it is often very effective in giving a photo some "punch" (for lack of a better word. I did no dodging on this photo. Anyway, it must work on light/dark pixels, and I've noted this halo effect on other photos too, and I don't use it when it becomes to severe. But I thought it worked well here. I do think that only someone exceptionally familiar w/ photo editing effects, such as yourself, would even recognize this, eg I thought the slight lightening around the Sea Palm plant looked quite nice-- but then I'm a relative novice re photo editing effects. Thanks, and cheers. Craig


Leslie Cohelan   {K:20807} 8/13/2003
Well I've just spent about 10 minutes enjoying your image and your commentary...your explaination explains a lot and the image well not conly is your poto good but so is all the work behind the work behind the set my drift...the composition and the use of the bellow style camera and wooden tripod all help pull this together...if there was one thing I would change, (if it were my image)it would be to slightly desaturate the colors...excellent , excellent image...I have thoroughly enjoyed on to the rest of your portfoliio...


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 8/13/2003
Great idea! interesting composition, well done, Jim!


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 8/13/2003
exelent and beautiful work...


Anna Pagnacco   {K:7448} 8/13/2003
Unique Jim...a very creative image! Anna


Jim McNitt   {K:11246} 8/13/2003
Patricia asked the question and Carol answered it for me -- at least in part!

The inspiration for this one, and a lot of my other work, comes directly from the Surrealists of the 30s and 40s -- especially the photographer Man Ray, the filmmaker Luis Buñuel, painters Max Ernest, Salvador Dali, Andre Masson, Yves Tanguy, Joan Miro, Jean Cocteau, and above all, René Magritte. Or more precisely, it is their work as it was rediscovered and reinterpreted in the late 60s that continues to be a deep well for images and ideas.

In 1968, a massive exhibition of Surrealist art was mounted at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC. As it happened, I was a college sophmore working as a summer publishing intern a few blocks away. Suffice to say, I'm not sure how much I learned about publishing that summer, but when my university offered a course in Surrealism soon after, the professor hired me as his teaching assistant.

After all these years, it's the weird juxtepositions and powerful yet ambiguous imagery -- in other words, the things more profoundly connected to our dream lives than the waking world -- that I find the most fascinating aspect of Surrealism.



José Eduardo Cruz   {K:13180} 8/13/2003
Great work!!!!


MaryBell    {K:32791} 8/13/2003
vision and a good tripod ;)

truly a great composite - wonderful work!!



Ulf Fågelhammar   {K:10975} 8/13/2003
This is wonderful Jim - as is the Arbus quote.
You have got a great vision and I feel very inspired by your work.
I will not try to discover the secret of this outstanding image.
I just sit back and enjoy it!
A true favourite.


peta jones   {K:12615} 8/12/2003
Oh this one is very cool Jim. Unique composition and very arty!:)


Carol Watson   {K:5185} 8/12/2003
For some reason, this reminds me of one of my father's sayings, "they were so stupid, they didn't know enough to come in from a shit storm". Instead, it's "the photographer who didn't know enough to come in from an art storm". The 60's has left their mark on you..... :-) Far out, dude.


Andre Fersen   {K:1679} 8/12/2003
My comment about Diane Arbus is that she obviously spent time studying under one of those Zen masters.

Photogrpahy and art? Is every painting of kittens playing with balls of string, art? It's what you make it.


Elizabeth Miller Elizabeth Miller   {K:2766} 8/12/2003
I don't know what to say Jim!! A lot going on here. Very mesmerizing photoart. I find myself staring at your work to try to figure out how the hell you do this!! lol.
I guess it's a secret.!!



Igor L.   {K:7432} 8/12/2003
Great work!!!!!!!!!!!!


Craig Garland   {K:27077} 8/12/2003
.....the photographer up to his eyeballs in art? This is cool Jim, and of course touches on the age old question of photography versus art, ie one and the same? I think sometimes, but not always thats true, but then it's true of paintings as well-- not all are art. BTW, I had the "audacity" to post a photo in the project category "my best photograph", and I would appreciate your opinion. It's over 30 years old but I still like it and it's one that inspired me to get obsessive about (especially) nature photography. Thanks, and cheers. Craig


Roger Cotgreave   {K:15892} 8/12/2003
bloody good jim and now I have the So much happening in this one, regards roger


Patricia Eifel   {K:5097} 8/12/2003
WHERE do you come up with these ideas??? This is such fun. I like the Arbus quote too...




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