Loic Pézarches
{K:3199} 6/27/2004
I love it !
Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 7/15/2003
Great composition, strong image, and really like the grain. Very nice!
Lukasz Gladki
{K:1101} 7/15/2003
strong photo..strong light..strong shadows..very good..
Jim McNitt
{K:11246} 7/15/2003
A classic B&W with a great title. I agree with Terry on the contrast, maybe too high for this subject. My eye, at least, wants more highlight and mid-tone detail. Small quibbles, though, in an otherwise powerful photo.
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 7/15/2003
Excellent capture.,nice comp, b/w shot, Judith B best rate ...regards kim
Judith B.
{K:364} 7/15/2003
@all: thanks for your comments :-)
@terry: the "tower" is a kind of power pole at the windy sea shore.
@mary: the answer is never easy, not for me. don't we long ourselves for some kind of chains? in a relationship for example?
kind regards to all of you and have a nice day. judith
sahin s
{K:1872} 7/15/2003
nice shot
Benedetto Riba
{K:15792} 7/15/2003
Hi Judith, great contrast, very beautiful the shot and the choice of the subject. comm. tanks. Regards
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 7/15/2003
love the high contrast me like it
evreniz e.
{K:5484} 7/15/2003
Very strong captrue.. I feel the power of steel from here.. Very good composition, congratulations..
Regards, Murat.
{K:32791} 7/15/2003
The composition is spot on and I love the texture and grain created by the extreme contrasts - who knows the bounds and where lies the freedom in the chains or outside - the answer isn't as easy as we think...
Terry McCully
{K:9221} 7/15/2003
Well the composition is interesting here Judith. Some areas are a bit hot but I think in this instance they work well with the darker areas toward the center. It kind of makes nice layers in the photo. I like the subject as well. Looks to be an anchor for that tower in the background?