Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 7/7/2015
Congratulations award Photograph Nigel
Barbara Socor
{K:13559} 7/4/2015
A most unique and creative image that catches and holds the eye...Gorgeous color contrast, detail, and overall composition. A wonderfully conceived and executed photograph. Brilliant!
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 7/4/2015
Very creative work :-)
Salvador Marķa Lozada
{K:69375} 7/3/2015
Very inspired colourful abstract. Congratulations, dear Mesut. Excellent work,
Mesut Yılal
{K:7964} 7/3/2015
This is RAKI.. Our national booze (probably you know. looks like Greek Ouzo )
Jill Bartlett
{K:8130} 7/3/2015
Nice abstract Mesut.Surpried the Geranium survived it's dip.The riki they make up here in the mountains is strong enough to power a jet, or make the "moonshine" lol Best regards.
Paul Freeman
{K:35606} 7/3/2015
I must be getting drunk; I thought you said Booze and Geranium. Oh, and things are starting to spin. Nice image Mesut Regards