ken krishnan
{K:19102} 11/23/2003
Nice one. Good legs too.
Aaron Charlton Smith
{K:625} 2/14/2003
Wow...lovin this picture, Chris!
Russell Love
{K:7006} 9/6/2002
I just read your forum question about where the line is. You have seen the things that are wrong with this shot ever bfore you posted it and worked to fix it. I think you have crossed that line long ago and do not need to worry about not being titled as a photographer. You see the art, and the technique. Your not a master cocert pianaist yet but your a long way from being a fourth grade piano student. Keep up the good work my friend,
Drecci GISLAADT (anagram
{K:558} 8/23/2002
BRAVO !! a superia400 film pushed to 1600 ? WOW ! I would never dare !!
Russell Love
{K:7006} 7/26/2002
I love this shot! Thanks again for the comments on the forum.
Ezra Simeloff
{K:81} 7/24/2002
Very nice shot - like the feeling of motion - must have been tough to take!
Bill Akata
{K:2929} 6/11/2002
Wow great shot Chris! The sharpness, the lighting, the tension and the movement, all done superbly.
Suha Derbent
{K:514} 5/27/2002
Nice shot!
Petros Stamatakos
{K:12101} 5/26/2002