Michael Lehrman
{K:-494} 6/11/2011
Thank you, Saad
Michael Lehrman
{K:-494} 6/11/2011
Vehbi, I thank you for your generous ccomment
Michael Lehrman
{K:-494} 6/11/2011
Thank you, Maja, and best regards.
Michael Lehrman
{K:-494} 6/11/2011
Thank you for your kind remark, Malules
Michael Lehrman
{K:-494} 6/11/2011
Thank you Wayne
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 6/7/2011
Excellent portrait and a great story.
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 6/6/2011
Excellent!! regards, malules
vehbi dileksiz
{K:37355} 6/6/2011
Very impressive image and title Michael Excellent work. 7/7 I love it. My best.... vehbi
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 6/6/2011
great and very fine.
Maja Š
{K:17951} 6/6/2011
Michael Lehrman
{K:-494} 6/6/2011
Thank you, Sudeera, and regards.
Sudeera Karunathilaka
{K:4233} 6/6/2011
Wonderful capture. A reader never stops reading. Its his life, just like this old person.