Alvin Riesbeck
{K:2751} 10/5/2010
Nicole Thank you for your comment. I have been off of usefilm for a while and I just started posting again. BTW your Sun set images are cool. Cheers Alvin
Alvin Riesbeck
{K:2751} 10/5/2010
Birashis Thank you for you kind comment. Cheers Alvin
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 10/5/2010
A great composition,beautiful colors and the bee adds a lot! Cheers, Nicki 7/7
Birashis Sarkar
{K:2423} 10/4/2010
Excellent colours and clarity!
Best Regards, Birashis
Alvin Riesbeck
{K:2751} 10/3/2010
Bill As always thanks for your comment. Alvin
Alvin Riesbeck
{K:2751} 10/3/2010
Radovan Thank you for your comment. Cheers Alvin
Alvin Riesbeck
{K:2751} 10/3/2010
Thank you for your comment. Cheers Alvin
{K:5783} 10/3/2010
This is a beautiful shot , Alvin.
Radovan Magdalenic
{K:32881} 10/3/2010
Very nice Alvin.Regards
Alvin Riesbeck
{K:2751} 10/3/2010
Dave Thank you for you very nice comments. This was very hard to capture with the point and shot. Canon G serious. Photo-shop saved the image. Cheers Alvin
Anusuya Bairagi
{K:6719} 10/3/2010
beautiful macro!!! regards, anusuya.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 10/3/2010
Very nicely done floral and insect macro, Alvin! Great colour and I like the detail you've recorded. Dave.