City - Mitchell State - SOUTH DAKOTA Country - United States
In Mitchell, South Dakota there is the Corn Palace. Yep, a real place. The locals decorate the building with all things corn. Cobs, kernels, leaves, stalks... iffin it is corn, it is jammed up on the building. But, they do not do it hodge-podge... there is a plan, a method to the madness... and this year, 2010, the theme was travel and technology... and the history of man's travels are fleetingly displayed in Mitchell.
Yeah... it is all good... My mother-in-law called me yesterday and cried... she says she will miss me when I go off to teach, "In that God-forsaken country." I told her, "Mom... it is not a God-forsaken country... it is Montana, it's a state... part of America." She continued to cry... I love my in-laws..
It is a very quirky (quirky... you may need to look that one up) thing in America, this Corn Palace. We are a strange and clever and weird people. Here is a pic of the front of the Palace in total.