Probably many thousands of pics exist of the castle as Disneyworld, but I wonder how many like this? Taken from behind the merry-go-round - the sun was just setting at this time and the colors are what attracted me first. This pic looks much better full size :-).
I read the above comment, but my preference would be to keep the composition as-is. If any cropping were to be done, a little less tree on the right MIGHT be better.
Thanks for the comments. Actually my aim here was to capture both the tent and the castle in the picture :-). I've got a separate picture (somewhere in the pile of pics I took that day) that features the castle in its entirety.
Also, I thought it was important to at least capture the top of the tent in the picture, as otherwise it might've looked a bit strange.
Waiting until later wasn't an option - I had to keep up with the rest of the family :-). Also, the "Uzi" (Olympus 2100UZ) tends to "understate" colors a little sometimes - normally I compensate for this by using setting exposure compensation to -3, but I forgot to do that this time :-(.
I like the way you've captures the big castle in the back, but the tent on the left seems to be crowding it out. The tree on the right, not intruding too much, serves nicely as a frame, but the stuff on the other side is looming a bit too much. I don't think this image is croppable to fix it. Shooting a little later int he day would have created better colors too, I think.