Ostara - pagan feast called. smaller Sabbath, celebrated on March 21, associated with the joyous moment of equinox and nocy.Ostara marks the beginning of spring. The symbolic moment when the day (light) wins the night (darkness) is the beginning of the period of happiness, fertility and reproduction się.Tradycyjnym symbol of this day is the egg, which symbolizes rebirth and a new life. This tradition was taken over by Christianity and the egg is also a symbol associated with Easter, which takes place on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon. Practiced the custom of planting grains, as well as the egg is a symbol of rebirth.
Piekne, takie lekkie, optymistyczne. Zreszta wszystko Twoje jest piekne, oryginalne. Zabieram sie do odwiedzin, napisania, ale troche mam malo czasu (nie chcialabym zeby bylo to powierzchowne). Zreszta nie mam odpowiednich kwalifikacji do oceny. Moge tylko ogladac dusza. Pozdrawiam Teresa